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Product Drag and Drop with Knockout
Product Drag and Drop with Knockout

Enhancing user interaction and providing intuitive interfaces is crucial. One of the popular methods to achieve this is through drag-and-drop functionality

Solving Common Issues In Employee Productivity Tracking
Solving Common Issues In Employee Productivity Tracking

Employee productivity monitoring is a double-edged sword. Done right, it can provide valuable productivity insights to improve workflows

Form validation and request submission in knockout js
Form validation and request submission in knockout js

Knockout JS is a powerful JavaScript library that helps you create rich, responsive UIs with a clean underlying data model.


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C# Microservices Testing Strategies: From Unit Tests to End-to-End Testing
C# Microservices Testing Strategies: From Unit Tests to End-to-End Testing

Microservices architecture has gained immense popularity in recent years due to its ability to create flexible, scalable, and maintainable software systems.

Encryption and Decryption in .NET CORE API
Encryption and Decryption in .NET CORE API

In today’s digital world, security is paramount. When it comes to transmitting sensitive data over a network or storing it in a database, encryption becomes an

How Functional Testing Enhances Product Quality?
How Functional Testing Enhances Product Quality?

Software Functional testing is an ongoing procedure that businesses should carry out regularly to guarantee the high quality of their software applications.

artificial intelligence


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IoT Traffic Management: Enhancing Public Transport Systems
IoT Traffic Management: Enhancing Public Transport Systems

Imagine a world where your daily commute is a breeze. This utopian vision of transportation is inching closer to reality thanks to the transformative power

What is 5G? Differences Between 4G and 5G
What is 5G? Differences Between 4G and 5G

What does 5g stand for? Is it useful? How does it work? The following article offers a thorough breakdown of 5G's benefits and a discussion of a few key points.



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website & mobile applications


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space and research


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