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Cordova - Vibration
Cordova - Vibration

There are times when vibration is needed into the app, such as when back button is pressed, on display of any alert or warning message, etc. This plugin will help you to connect to device's vibration functionality.

Cordova - Best Practices
Cordova - Best Practices

Apache Cordova is used for creating hybrid mobile apps, so you need to consider this before you choose it for your project. Mobile applications are becoming popular everywhere, from smartphones and tablets, to smart watches...

Cordova - Whitelist
Cordova - Whitelist

This is perhaps the last plugin left to learn in this Cordova series. The Whitelist plugin allows us to apply whitelist policy for navigation in app. The whitelist plugin is installed and by default applied when you create new Cordova project.

Cordova - Splash Screen
Cordova - Splash Screen

This plugin is used to display splash screen on application launch.Step 1 - Install Splash Screen PluginOpen command prompt window, type and run the f

Cordova - Network Information
Cordova - Network Information

This plugin provides information about device's network.Step 1 - Install Network Information PluginOpen command prompt window and run the following co

Cordova - Media

If you are building an app for a media website which has audio or video files to play, then you have to include the media player that will play all the multimedia files. Also it will be able to record the videos using native camera.

Cordova – Using InAppBrowser
Cordova – Using InAppBrowser

There are links into the app that are sometimes need to be open, to open those links a mobile web browser is needed. A browser only can render the html files, so you have to include the In-app browser during the building of the app.

Apache Cordova- Globalization
Apache Cordova- Globalization

The globalization plugin is used for getting info about user’s local language, date and time zone, currency etc. this could be necessary in order to e

Apache Cordova - Geolocation
Apache Cordova - Geolocation

The measurement of the geographical location of an object, such as a mobile phone, or an Internet-connected PC is its Geolocation. Basically, it invol

Cordova- Dialog Plugin

This plugin will call platform native dialog UI element.Step 1 - Install Dialog PluginTo install this plugin, open the command prompt window and type

Cordova - File System
Cordova - File System

There are times when you have to use or manipulate file system manager through the app. You can integrate the file system into your app using the file System plugin in apache Cordova.

Cordova – Using Compass for Device Orientation
Cordova – Using Compass for Device Orientation

The smartphones have a built in small component called magnetometer, which can measure the Earth’s magnetic field. The information is then combined wi