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StatusStrip Control in VB.Net

StatusStrip Control in VB.Net

Pushpendra Singh 35607 12-Dec-2010

StatusStrip control is a powerful StatusBar control. StatusStrip provides ProgressBar, DropdownButton, SplitButton, and Label features, you can add a progress bar,

a drop-down button, a SplitButton, or a label control to the StatusStrip itself.

How to use StatusStrip

Drag and drop StatusStrip control from the toolbox on the window Form.

StatusStrip Control in VB.Net

StatusStrip Control in VB.Net

Select-control which you want to show in StatusStrip

StatusStrip Control in VB.Net

You can add Status Label, ProgressBar, DropdownButton, and SplitButton

Here ProgressBar is added.

StatusStrip Control in VB.Net


Private Sub Form32_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        While ToolStripProgressBar1.Value < 100
            ToolStripProgressBar1.Value += 5
End While

Run the project

When an application runs then progress bar status is indicating.

StatusStrip Control in VB.Net

StatusStrip Control in VB.Net 


Updated 04-Mar-2020

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