StatusStrip control is a powerful StatusBar control. StatusStrip provides ProgressBar, DropdownButton, SplitButton, and Label features, you can add a progress bar,
a drop-down button, a SplitButton, or a label control to the StatusStrip itself.
How to use StatusStrip
Drag and drop StatusStrip control from the toolbox on the window Form.
Select-control which you want to show in StatusStrip
You can add Status Label, ProgressBar, DropdownButton, and SplitButton
Here ProgressBar is added.
Private Sub Form32_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
While ToolStripProgressBar1.Value < 100
ToolStripProgressBar1.Value += 5
End While
Run the project
When an application runs then progress bar status is indicating.
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