MindStick TweetController

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MindStick TweetController is a powerful and easy to use application which provides the twitter experience with more flexibility and allows users to know what’s happening at this very moment on twitter.







Requirements : .NET Framework 4.0 Client Profile, Windows XP or Later

MindStick TweetController is a powerful and easy to use application which provides the twitter experience with more flexibility and allows users to know what’s happening at this very moment on twitter. MindStick TweetController is a desktop application which gives you complete functionality of twitter. You just need a twitter account to login in the TweetController, once you logged in TweetController – the twitter world is open for you and you can access your home timeline, mention, me and direct messages.

You can send either tweets (maximum limit is 280 characters) or media tweets and send direct messages to only followers members and check your incoming and outgoing direct messages.

Home Timeline

Home timeline shows the tweets which is tweeted by your followers and following members. You can reply to these tweets, retweet these tweets and also add to favorite and remove it too. You can also email these tweets and link these tweets to other tweets.


Mention shows those tweets in which you are mentioned by other members either by followers of following members. If anyone mentioned by using @ followed by your twitter name, that tweet will show in mention and you can reply to that tweet, retweet that tweet and favorite/unfavorite tweet.


Me shows the list of all tweets which are tweeted by you either you send a tweet, media tweets, reply a tweet or retweeted some other member’s tweet, it will show you all tweets which are send by you and you can also add to your favorites.


Messages shows your incoming and outgoing direct messages. Direct messages can only be send or receive by your followers members. Direct messages are private messages which can only be seen by the user to whom you are sending the message.

Followers & Following

Followers and following shows the list of all members whom you have added. Followers show the list of users who follow you and following shows the list of users whom you are following. You can also view the profiles of these users.


You can create a list to add some specific members like your college friends, classmates, office colleagues etc.

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TweetController has following features

You can login in MindStick TweetController with your twitter account credentials.
You can tweet, view your home timeline, mention, me and incoming and outgoing direct messages.
Send media tweets.
Reply a tweet, retweet and favorite/ unfavourite a tweet.
Send direct messages to the followers members.
Forward and delete direct messages.
View your followers and following members and view their profiles.
Update your personal information.
Search any user using its twitter name.
Create a new friend list and add member in it.
Check all friend list created by you and the members of the particular list.
Check your favorite tweets.
Instant notification of receiving and sending a tweet or messages.







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