Frequently Asked Questions

The sponsored post is almost similar to the ordinary post, the only difference between the sponsored post and the normal post is that the sponsored post gets high priority, a sponsored post is on the top of the post list, where you are allowed to paste multiple source links which can redirect our readers to your website, by which you can show them your goods or services.

For more Information click on the following link : What will be the benefits of a sponsored post?

These are some of the beneficial points, why we need sponsored posting.

  • A sponsored post will flash on the top of the page.
  • A sponsored post will be highlighted with a different icon.
  • Sponsored posts are more reachable to the viewers in comparison to a normal post.
  • Sponsored posts will get the most views.
  • Sponsored posts will get the most likes or comments.
  • Sponsored posts are trustworthy and authentic.
  • A sponsored post is shared by the official MindStick on their social media platforms.
  • Sponsored posts are linked with the "Do follow" link.
  • Interlinking is done for promotional purposes.
  • Sponsored posts are well-formatted and organized for the ease of viewers.

No, you are not allowed to delete or deactivate your Registration for the Sponsorship. However, you can make a request through Email to deactivate your account, in case, you exhausted your Credit Limit earlier than the Package Expiration Date.

In General language, the C Panel (Control Panel) is known as Dashboard. In C Panel the Sponsored User can see all his/her activities performed earlier and at what time.

MindStick provides you various categories like :-

  • Article
  • Blog
  • Interview
  • Forum
  • MindStick Q&A
  • YourViews, and other sections as well.

Yes, on the basis of ‘category’ the sponsored post will appear.

If you submit a Sponsored Post, please know that MindStick reserve the right for final editorial discretion and might not publish content unrelated to content and links or landing page.

Absolutely not- you are paying to write in-depth, honest posts. Your constructive criticism is not only appreciated, it is expected.

The article of Sponsored Post allows maximum 15,000 characters or 800 words.

Yes, you can post in your Native Language.

The Post will appear for a period of 1 year as a Sponsored Post on the MindStick Website.

The Sponsored Post will be shown at the top of page but after a time the post will be replaced by another, so there is no need to prefer the top-most space of the page.

Yes, we are there to promote your Content/Blog by charging at a nominal price.

The submitted post will take about 24 hours or maximum of 48 hours (i.e. 2 days) to get approved.

It will depend on the posting category, suppose if you had posted your post on article section your Landing page will be the Article page.

To go to the Article page click here.

In a single Sponsored Post, you are allowed to use maximum 3 Links, 5 Images, and 1 Video Link.

Your Sponsored Post will be visible only at the specific portal of MindStick for which you subscribed the package i.e. MindStick, MindStick Q&A, and YourViews MindStick.

No, you cannot post a Question as a Sponsored Post.

Yes, you can post a View as a Sponsored Post.

Yes, you can. But Beware! Once the Sponsored Post gets deleted or removed then your Solution and Comment will also get removed. So, post wisely.

Yes, you can modify and delete your submitted article within a time period of 3 days. After, 3 days you are not allowed to edit or delete the post by your own. If still, the need arises to edit or delete the post, then you can submit your request through email via 

Yes, MindStick allows subscribing more than one available package at a time.

Yes, you can Subscribe the same package multiple times at one go.

The cost will be according to the package (and/or Add-on package) you choose + taxes (Payment Gateway).

All the taxes are included in the charge of the Package you subscribed. There is no any hidden or extra charge in the form of Taxes.

Yes, you can pay the final amount after choosing the one or more packages at a time.

If you delete the post in 3 days then the exhausted credit will not be returned back into your account.

No, you won’t get your credit back. If your post has been deleted by the Admin then you must have violated the Terms and Conditions of MindStick, and in this case, MindStick won’t allow you to violate the rules and get the credit back for that.

If the post found inappropriate at any time, then the post will stop for public view for that time. Still, the post found inappropriate then the admin hold full right to delete the post at any time and for that, the credit will not be refunded.

Yes, you can renew your post any time after the expiration of the post. Whereas, you can also renew the post before 30 days of the expiration of that particular post. The ‘Renew link’ gets activated and you can renew the post during that time or after the expiration of the post as well. But to renew the post you need to Subscribe the new Package and in case you are already having a package then the credit will be used from that package automatically if you want to retain the same post.

Yes, you can renew your post again while visiting your Sponsored Post Dashboard by using link. The Renewal link for the particular post will get activated 30 days before the expiration of the post and later on, you can renew the post at any time after the expiration of the post.

Yes, you can edit or modify your renewed post, but for that, you will get only the 3 days’ time after submitting or publishing the post for renewal.

Yes, you can renew the same post Multiple times, but each time the new credit will be used from your Subscribed Package.

No, you need not Sign Up for yearly subscription, if you do not wish to. We offer a monthly subscription as well for the convenience of our members.

Yes, if your business needs surpass our current plans. We can create a Custom Plan for you. Please send an Email to /  for more information.

You can see all the details from your Profile by clicking on the Subscription and then going to the Dashboard. In your dashboard you can see all the details regarding the available, used, and total credit limit in the form of graphs and numbers.

You can simply check your credit limit status in your Dashboard, which you can understand easily in numeral or graphical form or both. As well as, MindStick will send you a reminder mail after you have exhausted your credit limit by more than 50%.

You have to publish your sponsored post in the designated portals or sections of the MindStick, as it is mentioned in that specific subscribed package of Sponsored Posts.

The Pack Expiration Date will not change, whether you consumed all your credits in 2 days or the maximum days of the subscription package.

No, we don’t allow any such kind of changes in the Package. It is only up to you that you want to use all the Credits in the available time-period otherwise the Credit will lapse after the Subscription Package expires.

No, the remaining credit of any package cannot be transferred or carry-forward on the new Subscribed Package. If Package expires and you failed to utilize all your credits then those credits will lapse.

You can make payment through Debit Card, Credit Card, or directly to your Bank Account, by using the safest mean of money transfer i.e. PayPal Payment Gateway.

Firstly, you will get a Payment Confirmation Message form the Payment Gateway Portal i.e. PayPal. After that, you will get a Payment Confirmation Mail from MindStick, when the amount gets transferred into the MindStick Account by the PayPal.

The Payment is done through PayPal only, so in these cases firstly, you need to contact the PayPal Payment Portal. After that, any issue or problem left then you can contact to MindStick to resolve the issue or any type of guidance related to it.

Your Package will be activated instantly in working hours after we receive the successful transfer of an amount from PayPal.

Yes, you can. But you have to provide your same address while filling the details for Subscription of the Sponsored Posts.

You can change your Billing Address from your account profile after clicking on the ‘Subscription’ then follow the steps and change your address in the Information Detail Page.

MindStick doesn’t have any provision of refund of money. But in case, you made the payment and due to some fault we couldn’t activate the package on time or any other genuine dispute arises. Then, we can get to the mutual result or maybe refund of the amount as mutually decided by the MindStick Authority and you. Like, a refund will be initiated after deducting the Taxes and the charges of used credits.

MindStick will send you an E-mail “Your Account has been Temporarily Suspended” with the reason mentioned in it.

MindStick doesn’t have any provision of canceling the service after the payment is done and the package gets activated.

You can get your answers at MindStick FAQs link and other queries answer. If still, you are not getting all your doubts clear. Then you can mail us your query at

Yes, you can easily manage your notification for Subscription of Sponsored Posting. In your Dashboard, you are getting the facility to choose for those notifications for what you want and you don’t. You just need to select the checkboxes and submit them.

Yes, you can unsubscribe the promotional mail by clicking on the ‘Unsubscribe’ link provided in the footer of each mail and after that, you will not receive any mail regarding Subscription.

Our door is always open and we’d love to hear from you. Please click here to submit your feedback, and for any type of query you can write us on / 

The Best! We believe that any technology can be copied. It’s harder to copy a customer experience. Contact us anytime for any reason or any kind of query at / /  

Developer Section is a knowledge-sharing community and a platform for programming and technology enthusiasts to share their thoughts, ideas, and knowledge with each other. MSDS focuses on growing the technical passion and capacity of your local community through access to a wealth of quality technical expertise.

It consists of :
  • Article
  • Blog
  • Forum
  • Interview
  • News
  • Beginner
  • Share
  • and Quiz.

It is an open community, any person who is interested and passionate about learning new stuff in programming, coding, and knowledgeable contents could participate in the community to enhance their technical skills and always get updated with the latest and advanced trends in Technical world.

Firstly, the user need to get registered and create a profile at MindStick. Once the account is activated and verified, they can participate in Forum Discussions and are allowed to submit Technical or Non-Technical Contents, and Technical News on its (Articles, Blog, News, Forum, and Interview Section). Users are also allowed to test their programming skills in the quiz section.

Yes. But, In these sections i.e. Article or Blog or News only 1 free postings are allowed.

You can join here (hyper link for registration page:   HOW TO REGISTER AT MINDSTICK ? )

"Enter your login email address and password in the login form and click "Sign in." You can also log in with your social media/ existing account credentials for Facebook, Yahoo or Gmail / Google plus"

"Technical Content section of MSDS allows the sharing of MindStick and community-generated content to be utilized for further learning, training, and presentations with other members. Technical content includes Articles and blogs sections. Please review “Your Content” before posting because each post is reviewed and approved by administrators, then only it will be visible on the Website."

"Usually we use the term “Article” and “Blog” synonymously. Generally, articles offer more information and greater depth than blog posts. Articles provide thoroughly researched and detailed information. As such, those making this distinction may expect them to be longer. They may provide informed, well-developed opinions on subjects relevant to the website on which they will be published. They also might take a more formal or professional tone On the contrary, a blog post may be less formal than an article. While the tone of a blog can address the sensitive or serious nature of a topic, those distinguishing between a blog and article may write the blog post in a more conversational manner. Length may differ — some blog posts are a few hundred words, though others can be much longer. Blog posts also may be more readily shareable, given their shorter length and informal tone."

"Sharing code and your thoughts is a great way to not only help others but also to become a better coder. With many lakhs of people downloading your code, you will not only get a lot of positive feedback, but also bug fixes, free testing, and more often than not, suggestions on how to make the code even better. It also encourages others to share their code, which in turn gives you access to an even larger base of free source code."

You can submit the article/blog in two ways: You can mail us in a .doc or .txt file, and wait till we will share the following ( Or you can easily go to the Developer Section and contribute yourself in the Article, Blog or the other mentioned appropriate options.

Article section let’s you choose a topic from all over the world, you aren't bound for choosing any particular topic at MindStick but most of the time the topic must be International as MindStick runs globally. An article is a part of writing written for broad readers. The main purpose behind composing an article is that it should be published on a larger scale and in between the major audience to make some variation to the world. It may be the issues of interest of the author or it may be correlated to some current issues. The topic can either be serious or non-serious; same goes for its pitch and writing style.

"You can post and ask your problems in the forum section. You can start a discussion and share your confusions and complex technical issues here. You need to Ask Questions here Good answers are voted up and rise to the top. The best answers show up first so that they are always easy to find the person who asked can mark one answer as "accepted”. Accepting doesn't mean it's the best answer, it just means that it worked for the person who asked."

"Here users can submit the interview questions which may be asked during technical interview sessions. It would help other users who are planning or scheduling for an interview session."

"Quiz section consists of numerous sets of technical Objective type test design for practicing and self-evaluation. A user would attempt a test and submit the answers in the portal. As soon as he finishes the test or runs out of test time. Result be displayed immediately along with the correct options."

Beginner section is also designed for fresher’s and novice users. It contains fundamental and conceptual posts which would be beneficial for new programmers to get the sink in the technological terms and concepts easily, Beginner section is also a kind of Article section generally used by the novice users.

The voting system for articles is meant to guide readers to the best articles and advise authors on where they need improvement. If your article is not liked by any user they can simply press dislike. A vote with signs of like or dislike doesn't help an author. A like vote will definitely motivate the author in its progress and to write such good contents over and over.

Reputation is something you gain - or lose - as you contribute to our communal knowledge base. Posting an article/blog increases your reputation, but posting a bad article that another member’s dislike decreases your reputation. If your goal is to increase your reputation then write good articles, like the other good articles, hope that others in return like your articles, and help out by organizing and cleaning up the questions and answers.

"All questions are categorized and tagged with their subject areas since a question might be related to several subjects. Click any tag to see a list of questions with that tag, or go to the tag list to browse for topics that interest you."

You can write simply about yourself, who are you, what have you done in your past, or anything which reflect something about yourself. The about us section helps us know the heterogeneity and potential the following user is carrying. The about us page is often a reflection of the purpose and personality of the user.

Finally, the page can also combine contact or locational information. One way to view the about us concept is as a text self-portrait or short autobiography created by the users for the company. Therefore it is the required field.

Contact info lets you know about your current address or location from where you have been and what was your address in the past.

These two options let people know your companies or users official Languages and their Skills in which they work and progress.

Profile Picture: A profile picture at the profile section is a photograph that represents your account in all its communications across the platform. Profile pictures are presented as an avatar next or below to the account name on posts, contents, and comments. For more Info: How to change our profile picture at MindStick?

Banner Picture: Your Profile Banner at the profile section is the large horizontal picture at the top of your profile, right above your Profile Photo. All Banner photos are unrestricted for the public, which means that anyone hitting your profile will be able to observe them. For more Info: How to change our banner picture at MindStick?

Profile pictures and a Profile banner develops a visual connection between users, making it essential for companies to pick the right image.

MindStick offers “Upgradation your profile” features to their users as well the companies by which you would receive several benefits after making your account premium which will let you add

  • Gallery
  • Achievement
  • User
  • Portfolio
  • Award
  • Social Contact
  • FAQ, etc.
These are some beneficial points -
  • The “Upgrade the Account” option in your profile will appear.
  • As you click this, you will be changed nominal bucks which will make your account premium and you will be able to access its Premium options easily.
  • A dashboard will be provided to you.
  • Now in the case of the “Social Contact Premium” you can add your social networking handles like Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook to your MindStick profile so that viewers can visit your Social media by a single click which will also enhance your reachability in users.
  • As you add your valid Social Media Links click on the "Save" button to save your changes.

The "Awards Section" at the profile page
  • The “Upgrade the Account” option in your profile is there to upgrade your account.
  • As you click this, you will be charged nominal bucks which will make your account premium and you will be able to access its Premium options easily.
  • A dashboard will be provided to you.
  • Now in the case of the "Award" section, you can easily add the awards you had achieved in your past as your achievement.
  • Add Awards and press save to add them to the award section.
• • • • •

FAQ is usually known as “Frequently Asked Questions” which are been asked by customers when they face any difficulty or if they have any doubt.

For more Info: What are the benefits after FAQ premium?

The "Portfolio" section, you can add your collection of achieved work, documentation, and projects that you hold as an example of your achieved formatted work.

The "User" section, only a company can add its user to their official account, as a "Associate User”.

The "Gallery" section, you can add multiple images to your gallery section which will let you showcase your achievements-related pictures, and will make your account more reachable and compatibility to connect with users and companies.

Change password option lets you change your old password with the new one, by typing the old one at the top, then two times your new password.

The Visibility section helps to protect their user privacy, you can manage your visibility on your profile by your own, and the user will be responsible himself for any privacy issue.

Benefits after Upgrading your Account-
  • You can add as much as 10 images to your Gallery section.
  • You can add 5 social contact to your premium profile.
  • You can add your achievements to showcase your talent on your profile.
  • You can add Awards on your profile to throw some attractive impact as a company/user.
  • You can add Portfolios of your work which will show that you had done some of the successful work in your past.
  • You can add Users as much as 10 users to your profile (company) as an associate user.
  • You can add FAQ approx. 10 FAQ in your companies profile so that user visiting your profile can get answered easily.

The options available on the profile section are:
  • Basic Info
  • Contact Info
  • Language
  • Skills
  • Profile Photo
  • Profile Banner
  • Social Contact
  • Award
  • FAQ
  • Portfolio
  • Users
  • Gallery
  • Change Password
  • Visibility

Yes, of course we don’t make such specific custom packages, although you can send your mail according to your requirements.

For more information :-

Yes, absolutely there is a free invitation for any company to post their job opening at MindStick platform. They can register themselves and post their requirements for the candidates.

For more Info: How to Post a Job at MindStick?

Uploading your Resume at MindStick makes it more approachable, for you to get hired by any company directly, as well as you can throw your attractive image on the person visiting your profile.

Yes, of course, any user can disconnect or unfollow their followers at any time.

As we know MindStick is a high quality software manufacturer (company). Here is a list of some services offered by MindStick -
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