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Cloud Computing Is A Great Advantage to Web Designers

Anonymous User1242 07-Jan-2019

Do you know? According to the Pb7 Research, Small businesses make a 25 percent growth in revenue by taking into use of cloud computing technology! Cloud computing is much affordable and accessible now! But what exactly is the concept behind cloud computing and how it is helping web designers? If you are up with these questions and what to take your business a new level, then I must say you have landed on exactly the right page!

What Exactly IS Cloud Computing?

Client computing is a new client-server mechanism or Internet-based computing through which shares information to computers and other devices on demand. You can use resources from multiple internet-connected devices.

How is it benefitting web designers?

Cloud computing is growing day after day and this is why, it is estimated that by 2020, it will raise up to six times today’s growth! What are the advantages of it?

Below is the overview of the top 9 benefits it offers:

1). Scale geographically:

It does not possess any limitations on speed and delivery. It let you reach a wide variety of geographic locations without affecting your overall user experience. Also, it offers traffic management feature as well. How to reach more people? Use a proper CDN (CONTENT DELIVERY NETWORK) to reach out most of the people. Why CDN? Well, it allows easy access to applications, images and a lot more!

2). Save Money:

One of the biggest benefits of cloud computing services is that it is much cost-effective than traditional solutions. It let you pay only for those resources you use at a given time, nothing else. It let you control the bandwidth even. Also, if peak traffic hits your site unexpectedly then also it prevents it from crashing.

3). Improve Time to Market:

Do you know? The cloud-based data management increases company growth by 19.63 percent by improving time to market as much as 20.66 percent. You get immediate feedback from clients or expert advice whenever you want. Thus, cloud technology provides the speed of service feature.

4). Keep Data More Secure:

Safety is the key. You are putting out a lot of efforts to collect the personal data from your site. Protecting from hackers is hell important to keep the safe business going. Also, it is not happening for you to somehow copy your content or design. In such cases, the one who would help you out is the cloud computing technology providers. They always carry the three copies of the information. They store information in secure data location and various other safe locations.

5). Make Collaboration Easier:

Collaboration making is the foremost benefit of cloud computing services. A company is working in real time and with a different team- members as well. In such a case, updating is taking place right at the moment.

It means you can grant the access to the team members you want to. Or if you are working with another company over a project, you can also give their project members the access to the project related files, keeping all your other important data secure with you.

6). Retain Top Talent:

with cloud- computing you can let your talented team member work remotely. It will not bug him/ her and thus will stick to your company for long. Also, it will reduce out the training company as no longer you will be needed to take interviews, finding the rightmost candidates and thus spending time and money in training him/ her.

7). Go Mobile:

We know, as a web developer, you could wish to utilize most of the time while having not your personal computer with you. The time could be while waiting or while sitting in waiting rooms for trains etc

But cloud computing let you utilize this time even when your personal computer is not with you. Even it let you access any of the tools you want at any instant of time. Amazing isn’t it? So, you and your teammates can now enjoy working with the help of these features even remotely, just anytime and anywhere.

8). Get IoT Ready:

The Internet of Things is making our life so easy. Now you can answer the front door using the embedded camera over there through the smartphone. Not only this but also, we can check if the home is okay sitting far away from home. Things are changing and so the technology. It has made our lives far more comfortable and complicated as well.

The total spending on the internet of things has been estimated to reach up to $1494 billion by 2020 and don’t drop your jaw as it has already reached $273 billion in 2017! That’s crazy though.

9). Become environmentally friendly:

if the company is well passionate enough to work in somewhat greener projects, and then, believe me, cloud computing is something you cannot afford to ignore. Wondering what I am talking about?

Well, the data centers use less energy usage and pollution. Also, many of the cloud computing service providers take into the use of additional environmental protection measures as well. Having cloud computed is just a step closer from being the greener company!

Time to sum up:

It’s high time to be connected with this highly advanced technology now.  I hope you loved reading today’s article. If you have any suggestions, points, questions, doubt hitting up your mind, please let us know in the comment section below. We would love hearing from you! Happy computing! 

Updated 07-Jan-2019
I am a content writter !

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