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What Is Strictly Prohibited to Write in Dissertations?

Mike Waknar576 22-Jul-2019

As an academic paper, persuasively writing of a dissertation requires you to abide by the principles of formal writing. That means your choice of language needs to be different from what you would use when socializing with friends.

What Is Strictly Prohibited to Write in Dissertations?

Professional dissertation writing help uses a formal tone to help you gain respect from the audience. It also demonstrates your knowledge in a particular subject.

Keep this in mind, diction and reaction papers format changes depending on the type of content you are developing. For research papers:

What to avoid in Dissertation & any Academic Writing?

•    Informality
In dit past papers, you will notice that the formality of writing goes a notch higher than in other industries. Therefore, you should avoid words and phrases that are informal. That includes phrases like; kind of, a bit, a couple of, or a lot of.

Instead, it's best to be specific in conveying the intended meaning. A phrase such as "A couple of studies prove that…" becomes "Several/ Many studies prove that…" Also, you can give the specific number you are referring to.

•    Use of first-person pronouns"I," we," etc.

When making statements, you don't have to start by referring to yourself using the first-person pronoun. Since this is your submission, the reader knows what you include are your opinions and beliefs.

These expressions make the article wordy and make you seem less confident. Eliminate them to convey a confident tone.

•    Unnecessary repetition
Use of phrases such as "As stated previously" gives your statements a condescending undertone. Rarely, do the sentences add any new information to the discussion. It becomes a case of repetition.

It's always best to keep your writing brief and precise.

•    Addressing the readers as "You."
Yes, "we" can do it, but no "you" can't use it in academic writing. This referencing makes the essay informal. Instead, you can replace it with words such as "the reader (s)," or "one."

•    Clichés
It refers to the heavily overused phrases. It takes away from the originality of the content. The quality of what you "bring to the table" relies heavily on how you communicate your ideas.
Other Areas to pay attention to in your Dissertation

•    Vagueness
Since vague terms can be interpreted in different ways, incorporating them in your writing makes it imprecise. To avoid misinterpretation of arguments; specificity is emphasized. Refrain from using like "A while back" or referring to something as "the thing."

•    Subjectivity
It reveals the writer's bias as opposed to stating a fact. However, in argumentative, or reflective dissertations; it's acceptable to express your opinion. To emphasize your points use terms that aren't biased.
Say, from "good" results to "relevant" results.

•    Overuse of short sentences
It gives the writing an informal tone when used heavily in the material. Also, the reader may take it that you don't find them capable of reading and comprehending longer and complex sentences.

•    Use of contractions
It refers to shortened versions of words such as "don't," "didn't," "they're," and more. They have become the norm when we speak and can easily find its way in academic writing. However, non-contracted versions of such words make your sentences sound much better.

The final word on what you "cannot" do in Dissertation Writing
When writing a dissertation or any formal article, remember that you are not familiar with the audience, you want to make an impression and demonstrate your expertise. Therefore, it's best to follow the points noted above.          


Updated 22-Jul-2019

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