


Jonas Stuart1600 22-May-2017

                                                NOT TO FOLLOW LINK BUILDING STRATEGIES

Link building can briefly be explained as the possession of back links from external websites to your own website or webpage. It is one of the proven as well as equally challenging SEO skill to have.

There are many marketers who are using different techniques but that can or cannot be fruitful to get results. Just check out the following list and see if you are doing these:

1.   Buying Paid Links: One must not try to pay for back links for your website ever. You are getting into an over cost deal, if you are paying your cut for the back links. 

2.   Forum Postings:The most frequently practiced link building technique is posting content on community forums to build a profile signature with a personal link. These Signature links are generally created at the bottom of the content posted on a community are surprisingly a low quality content. Even if they are able to grab some traffic, it is not probable that they will possess any  effect that will bring back positive results on the internet pages you connected them to. It may be because, these links aren’t relevant, just like all hyperlink spam methods and so the various search engines disregard these links and assign them no value.

Read Also: Link Building In SEO

3.  Blog Commenting: SPLOGS (spam personal blogs) websites are a popular haunt of hyperlink spammers. They comment on blog sites in the anticipation of building an association to their client’s website. These links again are not relevance structured, unless the blog is actively supervised by its owner and popular blog software such as WordPress automatically considers it a nofollow link. All you get is some futile website traffic. Blog commenting does work wonders when a comment is accepted on a higher traffic popular blog. 

4.   Directory Submissions:Although this methodology of link building does create back links and gets traffic to a website, but simultaneously behaves as another spam; and, much like other spam techniques, links from web directories aren’t relevance based and do not contribute hiking a page’s rank. Surely, there are some significant exceptions for relevant submissions, like DMOZ directory website and Yahoo. 

5.   Social Bookmarking:One commendable strategy to obtain valuable links in the initial days of back linking was Social Bookmarking. However, the territory didn’t remain uncharted by the determined link spammers which exacted some trustworthy bookmarking websites like Digg, Sphinn etc. to no follow links to deter them. 

6.   Low-Quality Articles Submissions: Submitting low taste contents to different article submission sites for link building would serve no good to a website’s health. Google algorithm updates targeted and devalued all such poor standard articles that deliver no value to users. The gist clearly is that a web page with a low-quality content won’t ever appear high in the SERPs.

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