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How to angular routing html5mode in ASP.NET?

Tom Cruser522903-Nov-2014

I have an angularjs app which based on ASP.NET project, it uses html5mode and works perfectly fine unless I want pass route parameter(s).

Angular routing:

    $routeProvider.when('/accounts', {
        templateUrl: 'templates/accounts.html',
        controller: 'accountsCtrl',
        title: 'Accounts',
        resolve: {
            accounts: function (accountData) {
                return accountData.getAll();
    $routeProvider.when('/account/:accId', {
        templateUrl: 'templates/editAccount.html',
        controller: 'editAccountCtrl',
        title: 'Account',
        resolve: {
            account: function ($route, accountData) {
                return accountData.get($route.current.pathParams.accId);


        <rulename="Imported Rule 1"stopProcessing="true">
        <rulename="Imported Rule 2"stopProcessing="true">

Rout localhost:3849/accounts - works, but localhost:3849/account/1 breaks the system, it looks like it fail to load *.js libraries or any other resources.

console shows

UncaughtSyntaxError:Unexpected token <

for every single library. What wrong? Thanks

UPDATE The problem was how scripts referenced in the  index.html. Original was:


Has to be:


so when I asked server to go to localhost:3849/account/1 it started to look all files at localhost:3849/account, didn't find  them and returned index.html. The same problem in routing, instead of


must be:


Updated on 03-Nov-2014

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