One and only Unit Converter which can save converted data and has Notes and History capability…
T18000+ Built-in Conversions, Custom Unit/Group Creation, Quick References, Favorites, Notes Search, Functional Calculation Capability, Decimal Accuracy Control, Rounding Options Selection, Sharing Conversion Data including Notes and Formulas via SMS or Email and much more...
Eliminate the need of a separate paper or app to make notes for conversions.
Eliminate the need of memorizing conversion results.
Maintain history of conversions including notes with just a tap.
Search for a text in historic conversions.
Flag important historic conversions for quick references.
Send conversions with notes and calculation formulas to others via SMS or Email.
Control custom units conversion factor, decimal accuracy, renaming and even rounding options.
Hide unwanted conversion groups and units for better usability.
Calculate formulas like ((Height * Width) * 2 + (Height * Length) * 2 + Length * Width) * Price.
Maintain a sortable list of favorite conversion units.
Expect your app to remember your last selection.
Have one place to see conversion results for all other units within a group.
Have a selection of built-in 59 Conversion Groups, 865 Units and 18,220 standard conversions.
Increase or decrease font size based on Phone font settings.
Be more productive.
Our custom .NET software development services cater to a vast array of industries.
We are excited to introduce you to TUC - "The Unit Converter" which can do all that and is just one click away from you. TUC revolutionizes and energizes the Unit Converter application arena and brings freshness and innovation. It helps you to focus on your work rather juggling with many applications and performing manual actions to achieve the ultimate goal.
Calculation panel is not directly linked to value input as ‘From Unit’, rather it is used as calculation staging area where you can do several conversions. Text control is read only. To feed numeric values ‘Calc’ button is used. Other functional calculation requirements like ‘(‘ or ‘)’ can be entered using button taps within panel. Value of calculation panel is automatically saved as notes while conversion record is saved in history. If you are using a formula like (9*7-3) then unless you enter ‘)’ the result 60 will not be shown.
Top left ‘Main Menu’ selects conversion group (or category) like ‘Temperature’. Main menu has standard active groups, Favorites and ‘Find More’. ‘Find More’ tap leads to Group settings screen where built-in groups can be made active or inactive.
Add History saves conversion data with option to edit notes by a popup notes screen. Calculation panel values are automatically populated.
This tab shows conversion records with Notes icon. On tap of notes icon, notes popup screen appears. On long press ‘Add to Quick Reference’, ‘Send SMS’, ‘Email’ and ‘Delete’ options appear. Send SMS and Email will copy conversion data as well as notes in the message body.You can even shortlist few of the very important history records as your quick references.
This tab shows conversion records with Notes icon. On tap of notes icon, notes popup screen appears. On long press ‘Add to Quick Reference’, ‘Send SMS’, ‘Email’ and ‘Delete’ options appear. Send SMS and Email will copy conversion data as well as notes in the message body.You can even shortlist few of the very important history records as your quick references.
This tab shows important history records which were selected for quick reference. On tap of that record, conversion values will be populated.
This tab shows conversion data for all units within a selected group.
You can enter custom group and then custom units. Once you have two active units within a custom group, mapping can be done by providing conversion factor. In mapping you can opt for rounding, rounding type and decimal precision.
Only custom units and groups can be deleted. Standard units and groups can only be made inactive.
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