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Count, Max, Min Function in Excel

AVADHESH PATEL 7605 28-Feb-2013


Excel provided one most important keyword that is COUNT function. COUNT Functions used to count total number of cells in a selected range of data. COUNT function's return total number only those cells that contain numbers. COUNT function ignores empty cells or those contain text. If a number is later added to an empty cell or inserted into new row then function will be automatically updated to include this new data. 

Figure 1:

Count, Max, Min Function in Excel

 COUNT function formula

=COUNT (range) 

For example calculate total number of sales Person then formula become as below


Result: 6 

See Figure 2.


The COUNTIF function combines the IF functions and COUNT function in Excel. This combination return number of times specific data is found in a selected group of cells. The IF portion of the function determines what data meets the specified criteria and the COUNT part does the counting. 

COUNTIF function formula 

=COUNTIF (range,condition) 

For example calculate total number which value greater than $15000from column “Total” then formula become as below 


Result: 3 

F14 is a cell index where we have defined condition. 

See Figure 2. 


Excel's COUNTIFS function can be used to count up the number of data records in a selected range that match specific criteria. COUNTIFS function allowing you to specify from 2 to 127 criteria rather than just one as in COUNTIF. 

COUNTIFS function formula

=COUNTIFS (range, range, …..n) 

For example calculate total number which value greater than $5000from “January”, $6000 from “February” and $7000 from “March”column then formula become as below 


Result: 1 

F15, G15, H15 are a cell index where we have defined formula. 

See Figure 2.


MAX function will be return maximum numeric value from selected range 

MAX function formula


For example I want to find out maximum value from moths column (January, February, March) then formula become as below 


Result: $9,568.00 

See Figure 2. 


MIN function will be return minimum numeric value from selected range 

MIN function formula


For example I want to find out minimum value from moths column (January, February, March) then formula become as below 


Result: $1,205.00

See Figure 2.

Figure 2:

Count, Max, Min Function in Excel

Updated 07-Sep-2019
Avadhesh Kumar Patel District Project Manager - Aligarh 14 months work experience in Panchayati Raj Department Sector as District Project Manager & 12 months work experience in IT Sector as Software Engineer. :-)

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