
String Split in C#

String Split in C#

Anonymous User 19041 13-Nov-2014

In this article, I’m explaining about a Split () method of String class in C#.


Here into the ASP.Net C#, Split string function provides the functionality to split the string into a string array by specifying its delimiters.

The C# split string function splits the string into array collection according to the number of separators passed to the split function.

Where ASP.Net C# split string function removes the delimiters from the string and stores each part separated at consecutive indexes of an array object.

According to ASP.Net 2.0, C# split string function has 6 overloads as follows.

Split Function is overloaded

  1. The public string [] Split (char [] separator)
  2. The public string [] Split (char [] separator, int count)
  3. The public string [] Split (char [] separator, StringSplitOptions options)
  4. The public string [] Split (string [] separator, StringSplitOptions options)
  5. The public string [] Split (char [] separator, int count, StringSplitOptions options)
  6. The public string [] Split (string [] separator, int count, StringSplitOptions options)


Public string [] Split (char [] separator)

The following example demonstrates how to extract individual words from a block of text by treating white space and punctuation marks as delimiters.

The character array passed to the separator parameter of the String. Split (Char[]) method consists of a space character and a tab character, together with some common punctuation symbols. 

namespace Split
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string words = "a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,I,j,k,l,m";
            string[] split = words.Split(new char[]{','});
            foreach (string word in split)
                Console.Write(word+" ");


 String Split in C#

 public string [] Split (char [] separator, int count)

 This example demonstrates how to count affects the number of the string returned by Split.

namespace split2
    class Program
        public static void Main()
            string words = "a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j";
            string[] split = words.Split(new char[] { ',' }, 3);
            foreach (string word in split)
            Console.ReadLine();        }

The above example returned three substrings as specified in the count parameter of the C# split string function.

It returned first and the second substring separated from the specified delimiter and third substring unchanged.


 String Split in C#

Public string [] Split (char [] separator, StringSplitOptions options)

The following example uses the StringSplitOptions enumeration to include or exclude substrings generated by the Split () method.

namespace Split3
    class Program
        public static void Main()
            string s1 = ",ONE,,TWO,,,THREE,,";
            char[] delimiter = new char[] { ',' };
            string[] stringSeparators = new string[] { "[stop]" };
            string[] result;
            Console.WriteLine("1)The original string is. {0}", s1);
            Console.WriteLine("The delimiter character is. '{0}'", delimiter[0]);
            result = s1.Split(delimiter, StringSplitOptions.None);
            Console.WriteLine("1) Split a string delimited by characters and " +"return all non-empty elements:");
            result = s1.Split(delimiter, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
        public static void Show(string[] entries)
            Console.WriteLine("The return value contains these {0} elements:", entries.Length);
            foreach (string entry in entries)
                Console.Write("<{0}>", entry);

 String Split in C#

Public string [] Split (string [] separator, StringSplitOptions options)

The following example defines an array of separator that includes punctuation and white-space characters.

Passing this array along with a value of StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries to the Split (String [], StringSplitOptions) method returns an array that consists of the individual words from the string. 

namespace Split4
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string[] separators = { ",", ".", "!", "?", ";", ":", " " };
            string value = "MindStick,Software!pvt.?ltd..:";
            string[] words = value.Split(separators, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            foreach (var word in words)
                Console.Write(word+" ");

 String Split in C#

 public string [] Split (char [] separator, int count, StringSplitOptions options)

namespace Split5
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string s1 = ",ONE,,TWO,,,THREE,,";
            char[] delimiter = new char[] { ',' };
            string[] stringSeparators = newstring[] { "[stop]" };
            string[] result;
            Console.WriteLine("1)The original string is. {0}", s1);
            Console.WriteLine("The delimiter character is. '{0}'", delimiter[0]);
            result = s1.Split(delimiter,3, StringSplitOptions.None);
            Console.WriteLine("1) Split a string delimited by characters and " + "return all non-empty elements:");
            result = s1.Split(delimiter,2, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
        publicstaticvoid Show(string[] entries)
            Console.WriteLine("The return value contains these {0} elements:", entries.Length);
            foreach (string entry in entries)
                Console.Write("<{0}>", entry);


String Split in C#

Into my next post, I'll discuss about simple tooltip using HTML CSS

Updated 12-Jan-2020
I am a content writter !

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