Java I/O: Input/Output Streams
Java I/O: Input/Output Streams

One of the important set of classes comprised in Java API is the package. This is one of the core packages of the Java language and was a part of JDK 1.0. These classes facilitate the input/output functionality in our programs.

Exception Handling in Java: The throw Statement
Exception Handling in Java: The throw Statement

As seen in the previous post, we need to construct an instance of a user-defined exception; the Java runtime cannot detect and create instances of user-defined exceptions.

Exception Handling in Java: User-defined Exceptions
Exception Handling in Java: User-defined Exceptions

Sometimes we may find that the exception messages given by the standard exception classes are not intuitive, and it may be necessary to provide more elaborate messages to the application user.

Example of Exception handling in C#
Example of Exception handling in C#

In every program, things go wrong sometimes. With C#, we're blessed with a good compiler, which will help us prevent some of the most common mistakes.

Exception Handling in C Sharp
Exception Handling in C Sharp

Handling of error occurring at Run-time is known as Exception handling. Exception handling is a way to prevent application from crashing. C# provides three keywords to handle exceptions.