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Voice Commerce: the guide to optimizing your voice journey using UX
Voice Commerce: the guide to optimizing your voice journey using UX

In this guide to Voice UX Design, we'll find out what Voice Commerce is and how UX adapts to these new realities to deliver fluid and engaging voice experiences

Voice Activation Technology: Where Will It Go From Here?
Voice Activation Technology: Where Will It Go From Here?

Reliable voice technology has been around for nearly a decade now, but the question is, what next for the sophisticated software? here's a look!

VoIP in 2019
VoIP in 2019

In this article we are discussing about the VoIP technology , what is this technology and how can this help you to grow your business and make searching easier for your users. we have done our best to clear each and every point.

What is Voice Recognition and its future?
What is Voice Recognition and its future?

Voice Recognition Technology could be very helpful in future to speed up the working as well as for differently abled people too.