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5G Technology and Its Role in the Fourth Industrial Revolution
5G Technology and Its Role in the Fourth Industrial Revolution

5G technology has the potential to play a significant role in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. With its improved network speeds, enhanced reliability, support

How Was The Year 2019 For The Internet Of Things?
How Was The Year 2019 For The Internet Of Things?

Internet of things has taken the world by storm, and if you do not know it, your life as well. Just sit and think for a second how many IoT applicat

The foundation for a great IoT implementation
The foundation for a great IoT implementation

The Internet of Things is spawning the next Industrial Revolution. This program will give you a solid understanding of how to develop and implement your own IOT solutions using sensor connected IOT devices and IOT gateway,

Adapt to New IoT Requirements by Partnering with Competent Internet of Things Companies
Adapt to New IoT Requirements by Partnering with Competent Internet of Things Companies

IoT is predicted to change the way we live. It is a transformational technology with great potential. But, due to lack of support from IoT vendors, many enterprises are failing to capitalize on this emerging technology.