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Sending email in iOS Objective-C

Follow the following step to send email in iOS Objective C- Step - 1Include theMessageUI.frameworkin your project . Select project go -settings -Ge

Create action sheet in iOS using UIAlertController in Objective-C

You can create action sheet in iOS 8 or later version using UIAlertController Following is the sample code for creating action sheet using UIAlertCont

How to use UIAlertController in Objective-C iOS

UIAlertController introduced in iOS 8 .UIAlertController replaces the UIActionSheet and UIAlertView classes. UIAlertController can be used for displaying alerts ,confirmation alert ,act as action sheet and used for login purpose etc.

Fundamentals of CGGeometry in iOS

iOS provides a CoreGraphics framework that came from iOS version 2.0. CoreGraphics provides CGGeometry for our iOS application developers that helps in positioning views or creating drawing by programmatically.

Selecting Image from the Gallery

In iOS application development if we want to fetch media files like Images or Videos then we will use media APIs like AVFoundation. AVFoundation is a

Setting UIImage on a UIButton

Previously, we learn how to set events on the UIButtonHandling Button Clicks Events Now, we will see how to set an image on UIButton. UIButtons have a

Displaying Contents into UITableView Cell With Its Explanation

Whenever we use UITableView in our iOS app and want to display contents into table view cell, we need to follow some necessary steps in correct way. W

NSString Class of Foundation Framework

In iOS, NSString is one of the most commonly used classes in Foundation Framework. Technically this means subclasses of NSString , since it is a class

Mechanisms for Handling Exception in Objective-C

Whenever we create any program or application it may be chances to occurring errors or exceptions at runtime and our application stops working or hang

NSException class of Foundation Framework

Cocoa’s 'exception handling system' handles the exceptions whenever we create any product or app, it may be it produces errors that we call exceptions

Required Resources in Xcode Project

In this blog we will learn about Xcode project that we use to configure our app and also we see the required resources that are necessary for our app.

iOS: Web Services

Here we are going to know about the 'Web Services' in iOS, so as we know more and more mobile applications are dependent on the cloud in order to function properly (e.g. Twitter, Facebook, news apps etc.)