In this following article I am explaining you how to deploy your websites in IIS 7.
Now we start this article with creating a website using ASP.NET 4.0 and how to publish your sample website.
Step 1:
Now you just create a sample web site through the ASP.NET 4.0.
Now the step 2:
In this step publish the web site with the folder name publish.
Give the path of publish folder in the Target Location
Suppose that your publish folder address c:\MyWebSite\publish
So pass your Target Location c:\MyWebSite\publish
Now in this step go to Run and type the inetmgr and press OK button for open the IIS.
After press OK below screen will appear.
Deploy the Website
1. Right click on the Sites and select the Add Web Site… under the Connections Pane.
2. Give your site name on Site Name and give the physical path of your publish folder and select application pool ASP.NET v4.0 and then press OK.
3. After press OK button below screen will appear and now you can see in Connections Paneyour website with the name of MyFirstSampleWebSite.
4. To browse your Application Go to right side of your IIS screen in Actions Pane and click on Browse *:80(http) (*:80 is port number).
Note:- If you have to use only single port, so before browsing your application you can check for the other websites (on IIS) are running on the same port or not if they are using same port then you will have to use other port or stop them.
Below screen will appear.
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