
Home / DeveloperSection / Articles / ALL ABOUT SOCIAL MEDIA OPTIMISATION (SMO)


Anonymous User2432 27-Mar-2017

Marketing your product online is all ways dependent on awareness and visibility. Most of the time, people will find your small business online in one of the following three ways:

1-Your Company’s website shows up early in search engine results,

2-You’re recommended or referred by another website or person they visit, or

3-They already know about your company and search for you.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a set of strategies with a clear goal of capturing more people to your website the first way, by improving your search engine indexing. Social media optimization (SMO) can be one part of SEO—but it also contributes to all three ways people find you online.

What is Social Media Optimization?                

Obviously, SMO is all the way related to social networks and their growing importance to business. This field of promotional deals with expanding your company’s scope and online ranking through interactive social platforms—not just Facebook and Twitter, but also forums, blogs and anywhere your business are mentioned or linked socially.

Using SMO can surely help you strengthen your status and promoting your brand and boost its visibility, as well as generate links and increase business. Optimizing your social media content builds both identity with and trust for your business, because consumers will see you not only mentioned, but recommended by others.

There are two categories of SMO methods:

1.Social media features added to the content itself, includes social news and sharing buttons, RSS feeds and incorporating third-party community functionalities, such as images and videos.

2.Promotional activities in social media, aside from the content being promoted, includes blogging, , participating in discussion groups, commenting on other blogs and posting status updates on social networking profiles.

SMO is related to search engine marketing. However, it differs in several ways. Primarily, the focus on increasing traffic from sources other than search engines, although, it improves search ranking or indexing, is also a benefit of successful SMO.

What SMO is not?

 When you’re trying to improve your SMO on social sites, it’s important to keep in mind that having large numbers of links to your website scattered across social networks is not optimization. Joining the Facebook industry page, or Google+ Community, or a LinkedIn group just to spread links to your content will be actually giving reverse results to both SMO and SEO.

Social medium shares carry a lot more weightage when they’re coming from someone else’s site. Moreover, in-differentiate link-spreading without engagement and participation will get you un-followed in your social networks, resulting which, drive you down your popularity.

In order to improve SMO for your small business, you should focus on engaging with relevant social audiences, and posting your own shares of reliable and verified quality content for your industry, contributing to discussion.

Why SMO is required?                           

Google from time to time, silently launches a major overhaul of their search algorithm. The Dubbed Hummingbird is one of them, because of its executing speed and accuracy, the new algorithm works in a different way Google interprets searching keywords and changes the weightage of some factors that drive search indexing.

Social shares are more important in calculating indexing now, and they’re dedicated to contribute even more in the near future. The Hummingbird algorithm have values quality content that is relevant, shareable and verified. So the more your content has been shared across all social media sites, the higher it contains quality— the better you’ll rank on Google.

Hope you get a base about SMO, be frank in asking, if you have any doubt. And do tell how you much you find the article informative, in the comment box.

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Updated 04-Aug-2020
I am a content writter !

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