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Why Should Businesses Use Twitter?

Ashish srivastava2180 14-Jun-2017

             Why Should Businesses Use Twitter?

Facts about Twitter

In present situations, Twitter is the most growing and widely visited networking site and is becoming more famous as the days are going by. According to research, Twitter has 135,000 fresh sign-ups every day while more than 9000 tweets are made each second. Currently, Twitter has more than 554,750,000 users.

Businesses can use Twitter as a very powerful social media tool for marketing. Now, businesses are starting to realize the importance of Twitter and its true potential. 

Read Also: Simple Twitter Tips to Drive More Traffic to Your Blog

Why businesses use Twitter?

• Talk to clients

• Introduce new services or products

• Advertise existing products

• Keep a check on competitors

• Do brand building

• Gain new clients

• Improve and develop the business


What are the Benefits of Using Twitter for Businesses?

Twitter is an excellent platform and everyone should be making use of it. The following are the reasons why businesses should use Twitter: 

No Monetary Investment

Twitter is absolutely free and this requires only your effort and time. Business Owners can create a Twitter account for free and can promote their businesses through it. 


Twitter is well-known for its information or trends assistance for their users. Twitter keep users up to date with all Trends, which is going around in the world. Thus, Businesses can keep their clients updated about the latest trend, business events, offers and any other information, which the clients need, through Twitter. 

Link to Other Websites

Online marketing consists of several channels. Twitter is the choice of many businesses for their online promotion because they can redirect their followers to the host website of the company, Facebook profiles, YouTube channels and blogs. This creates a chain of clients going over different platforms resulting in more effective promotion of the business. 

Keeping A Check on The Competitors

For a business, it is more important to have a Twitter account because their competitors might already be using it. If businesses do not take this opportunity, it means they are giving their competitors the chance to grab their potential and existing clients. So, you really need to keep a check on your competitors and it’s absolutely possible with Twitter.

You can also get your competitors information through Twitter. For example, your competitor's marketing strategies, upcoming events and special offers. Your business can position itself according to this information and plan on making a successful counter attack. 

Targeting the Tweets

Businesses must know their target audience and hence, their tweets must not be for everyone. They should be targeted towards the people the business is catering. You simply cannot target everyone so do not commit that mistake.

Businesses must have client-centric marketing strategies and they must focus on their target audience or the people who are most likely to buy their products or services. 

Using Hashtags

This is very important to give a popular tag to your tweet so that more and more people can view it. Hashtags are really helpful to get potential clients to view your tweet. They basically use a keyword through which the users of Twitter search. Hence, people looking for similar keywords can end up at your tweet and you can promote your products and services to them. 

Building Up a Following

When you set up your Twitter account, your first aim would be to get the maximum number of followers. The basic aim of creating a Twitter account should be to have a following, which represents a certain segment of your buyers. 

Stalk the Pages Your Followers Like

This is probably one of the finest promotion strategies that any company can follow. Following pages and accounts that serve your target segment will keep you updated with the happenings of your niche and then you can adapt your promotional activities accordingly. 


There are several techniques and tricks that you can use Twitter for the ultimate business promotion.

It is always better to let the professionals do their work. You can take a shot at creating your own business Twitter page as well but it would be more likely not to get noticed by anyone. Besides, it will take you a lot of time to figure out how you should be using it for your benefit. You can save your efforts, energy and time by letting us train you on how to use Twitter to its maximum advantage.

Also Read: facebook or twitter: better for digi marketing

Updated 07-Sep-2019

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