First Step is to open a new project in Microsoft visual studio, then open a Design view in the form and place a various label as well as text field and Buttons in the form. As we have taken five Labels like Employee_id,Employee_Name,Employee_Address,Employee_Phoneno,Employee_Age along with textbox with each of the labels, next we have to take four Buttons as insert Button, previous (<<),Next (>>),and Clear Button we have taken with the help of Toolbox. As shown below.
After setting the above properties to the forms and controls, your form will be shown like below:
Property of Form1 can be set as follows;
Property Name | Property Value |
txtid | Employee_id |
txname | Employee_Name |
txtAddress | Employee_Address |
txtphoneno | Employee_phoneno |
txtAge | Employee_Age |
Next Create a database in the Microsoft SQL Server, with a name mind and add a table name Employee with respected fields. Add fields to the table Employees with the specified data types as given below:
Column Name | Data Types |
Employee_id | Int |
Employee_Name | Varchar(50) |
Employee_Address | Varchar(50) |
Employee_phoneno | Varchar(50) |
Employee_Age | Varchar(50) |
The snapshots of the database are shown as:
//Place a namespace before writing a code
using System.Data.SqlClient;
privatevoid Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
//this lines are for creating a new connection by making a new sql connection object,we are passing a coonection string of this object which includes server name that coonect to the server database,userid,password,and name of the database will be same as we have given like mind.
con = new SqlConnection("server=uttam-pc1\\sqlexpress; uid=sa; password=sa; database=mind");
//this is for open a coonection
//create a new dataAdapter
ad = new SqlDataAdapter("select * from Employee", con);
//sqlcommandbuilder is used for changes made in a dataset in a database
SqlCommandBuilder builder = new SqlCommandBuilder(ad);
//Create a dataset Object
ds = new DataSet();
//use dataAdapter object to fill the dataset
ad.Fill(ds, "Employee");
//create a datatype objectin a table
dt = ds.Tables["Employee"];
//populating text fields with 1st record from database.
txtID.Text = dt.Rows[counter][0].ToString();
txtName.Text = dt.Rows[counter][1].ToString();
txtAddress.Text = dt.Rows[counter][2].ToString();
txtPhoneno.Text = dt.Rows[counter][3].ToString();
txtAge.Text = dt.Rows[counter][4].ToString();
catch(Exception ex)
//Next place a piece of code under clear button as below.
privatevoid btnClear_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//it will clear all the text field.
txtID.Text= "";
txtName.Text = "";
txtAddress.Text = "";
txtPhoneno.Text = "";
txtAge.Text = "";
//Double click inside the insert button and write a highlighted code this code will insert a data in a database
privatevoid btnInsert_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//created datarow object as dr
DataRow dr;
//Create a data table object and add a new rowdr = dt.NewRow();
dr[0] = txtID.Text;
dr[1] = txtName.Text;
dr[2] = txtAddress.Text;
dr[3] = txtPhoneno.Text;
dr[4] = txtAge.Text;
//it will modify data in a database
//Next double click on the next button (>>),and place a code.
privatevoid btnNext_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (counter < dt.Rows.Count-1)//this condition checks number of rows and counter checks counter is less than number of rows or not.//if this conditions true it will increase the counter by one
//checking number of rows in a datable.
txtID.Text = dt.Rows[counter][0].ToString();
txtName.Text = dt.Rows[counter][1].ToString();
txtAddress.Text = dt.Rows[counter][2].ToString();
txtPhoneno.Text = dt.Rows[counter][3].ToString();
txtAge.Text = dt.Rows[counter][4].ToString();
//Next double click on the Previous button (<<),and place a code.
privatevoid btnPrevious_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (counter > 0)//check wether counter is greater then 0.If the condition satisfy then counter will be decreases.
txtID.Text = dt.Rows[counter][0].ToString();
txtName.Text = dt.Rows[counter][1].ToString();
txtAddress.Text = dt.Rows[counter][2].ToString();
txtPhoneno.Text = dt.Rows[counter][3].ToString();
txtAge.Text = dt.Rows[counter][4].ToString();
catch (Exception ex)
//In the above code,to get the previous record,we are first decrementing the //value of counter by one.
//Next double click on the close button and place a code.
privatevoid btnClose_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
this.Close();//simply close the form.
//After writing all these code we have to run the application with the help of F5.the desired output look likes.
allanabrenica abrenicar5
20-Nov-2018how can i use it in webforms?thanks
Sushant Mishra
28-Jun-2017Thanks for sharing informative post.