What is the Difference Between Boxing and Unboxing?
Boxing and Unboxing is one of the most Important Concept in C#.
In Boxing and Unboxing Contain three Data Types
1-Value Type(int,char etc)
2-Reference Type(object)
3-Pointer Type()
-Basically, value type to reference(object) type of Conversion is called Boxing.
-Boxing is Implicit type Conversion Process.
-Here Value Stored in the Stack Memory and reference(object) Copied Stored on the Heap Memory.
Ex- int x=100;
Object obj=x; //---Boxing
Ex-using System;
public class Test{
static public void Main()
int val = 2020;
// Boxing
object o = val;
// Change the value of val
val = 9437;
Console.WriteLine("Value type of val is {0}", val);
Console.WriteLine("Object type of val is {0}", o);
Unboxing is Convert Reference type into value Type is Called Unboxing. This is the Wrong Concept.
Correct Ans-
If a value type which is converted into reference type is converted back to value type ,we call it as Unboxing, but while Performing unboxing Explicit Conversion is Required.
-Unboxing is Explicit type Conversion.
-In Unboxing the object stored on the Heap memory Copied stored on the Stack Memory.
Value Type----------------Reference Type--------------Value Type
Int y=Convert.ToInt32(obj); ----------------Unboxing
using System;
public class Test {
static public void Main()
int val = 2020;
// Boxing
object o = val;
// Unboxing
int x = (int)o;
Console.WriteLine("Value of o is {0}", o);
Console.WriteLine("Value of x is {0}", x);
Note: A Direct reference type can never be Converted to Value Type.
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