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Road Traffic Accidents | What are the causes of Accidents?

saam smith794 22-Aug-2019

In every developed or developing country, road traffic is getting increased day by day. According to a survey, at the end of March 2018, more than 37.9 million licensed vehicles were registered only in Great Britain. These numbers are highly increased as compared to previous year results. Due to this increase in private vehicles, the roads are getting shorter. People also feel discomfort to travel inter cities. Due to this overload of traffic, road accidents occur more often. Even if you are driving in your lane and following traffic rules, you are still not sure that you will come back to your home. You may also experience trouble due to many problems; you can also experience accidents due to someone else fault or negligence. Unfortunately, if you are involved in an accident, you can claim compensation against the liable party.

Common causes of road accident

A road accident can occur due to various causes. In most of the time, they occur due to the negligence of drivers or third party’s mistake. Furthermore, these accidents can also occur due to the manufacturing fault of the vehicle or natural hazards.

However, some of the common causes include:

Drink and Driving

This is one of the most common and dangerous causes of the accident in the UK. By drink and drive, people put their and other people’s lives in danger. The government of the UK is emphasizing on teaching people about the limitation. People should know that they can’t drive a vehicle if they are drunk. They should take a taxi to go home. This will reduce the occurrence of accidents.

Over speeding

Speeding of the vehicle is also a common cause of road accident. People usually over speed their vehicle to reach their destination because they are getting late. According to a survey in the UK, speeding is the second most common cause of road accident. When you over speed your vehicle in the public place or link roads, you are more likely to hit someone crossing the road. You can’t also apply brakes suddenly in overcrowded places.

Running red light

Traffic rules are for the safety of the public and passengers, so is the traffic signals. When you cross the red light, you put your life in danger along with other people. You are more likely to get hit with other vehicles. The people who follow the traffic lights might also be able to hit with other vehicles. These accidents can cause severe injuries.

Natural hazards


In natural hazards, rain is also a common cause of road accidents. As you know, according to the traffic rules, you shouldn’t speed up your vehicle when it’s raining. When drivers neglect this precaution, they put their life and other people’s life in danger. Rain also makes visibility less than required. Sometimes, vehicles can’t properly grip the on-the-road, and sudden turn or braking can cause devastating effects.

Animal Crossing

To travel inter cities, or to other states, you need to move through the forests and animal crossing area. In that area, specific animal crossing signs are displayed. If you neglect these signs, this can cause injuries to you and animals. So, to reduce accidents or animal hitting, you should be aware of these signs.

What to do after an accident?

After getting injured in an accident, you need to call the police immediately. This is the first and highly recommended step that you need to follow. If you don’t call the police, you may ruin your right to claim compensation. The police will seal the accident area and will gather evidence of the accident’s occurrence.

After this, you should get medical attention immediately. If you don’t get medical attention, you can worsen your injuries. Negligence or ignorance in this phase can also put your life at risk.

After the medical attention, you can seek the help of personal injury solicitor to register your claim against the liable party. If you don’t can’t win a handsome amount. Personal injury solicitor can also help you to pursue your case in the solicitor’s court.

Furthermore, personal injury solicitor Preston can also help you to collect the evidence of the occurrence e of an accident. He can also help you to estimate the compensation amount in the form of general damage, psychological damage. You can also add all the expenditures you suffer from after the accident.

Updated 28-Mar-2020
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