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Why IT Knowledge and Management Skills Need to Be on the Same Page

Amanda Jerelyn1211 30-Aug-2019

Why IT Knowledge and Management Skills Need to Be on the Same Page

Management skills can be divided into three distinct categories, according to organizational psychologist Robert Katz. The three divisions of management skills are technical, conceptual, and human or interpersonal management skills. Organizations need to employ a combination of these skills based on their specialized product or service to be successful in the market in the face of competition and market conditions.

Management skills need to be applied practically in the construction site. The management skills utilized in the building site are mostly technical as we move up the corporate ladder; the focus shifts from technical skills to interpersonal skills. These are the skills which are required in the modern day office.

Why IT Knowledge and Management Skills Need to Be on the Same Page

IT solutions are employed to serve a distinct purpose. Businesses bear the expenses to use IT solutions because it helps them achieve their objectives in less time or less cost, resulting in higher profits. The following are examples of management principles implemented by the help of IT solution.

Specialization or Division of Work

Division of work divides the functionality into numerous distinct tasks, with each operation being carried out by a different group of people. The assembly line is based on the concept of division of work. Instead of a single worker producing a product from start to finish, the division of labor employs several workers to complete only part of the production cycle. Manufacturers can create a higher turnover in less time with workers working in groups playing their role in the production cycle.

Division of information technology products and services exists based on job function. Take a look at these different models of mice to suit your demands better. Similarly, large-format or 3D printers and plotters exist for architects. IT products exist to support all unique professional roles.

Principle of Precision

Each job function needs to be defined precisely. No two people can have overlapping vocations in an organization. It needs to be clear which tasks are going to be performed by which job designation. Each employee needs to know what they are responsible for and who is their reporting authority.

Having two people responsible for the same thing creates havoc. One person would say I thought he was supposed to do it. The other would say I thought he already did it. Similarly, in IT, all the software and hardware are utilized for a specific purpose. The security system is in charge of passwords and security settings. The media players are specifically in charge of playing media.

Scalar Principle or Chain of Command

Employees need to know the next responsible person in the chain of command. There should be an apparent connection of managers and supervisors in the chain of command, linking top management to the worker. Decision-making authority travels up, from the worker to the supervisor to higher management. Commands and instructions are passed down from upper management to supervisor to workers.

Why IT Knowledge and Management Skills Need to Be on the Same Page

Similar rules exist in IT. On the internet, a single web address can only be allocated to a unique website. No two sites have the same address, just as no two managers have the same responsibilities. A website can have several subpages, just as there are several managers within an organization. The entire site resembles a company, and the internet resembles the marketplace.

Extent of Management

Why IT Knowledge and Management Skills Need to Be on the Same Page

The supervisors or managers within an organization are responsible for their staff. The extent of management states that each manager or supervisor must know the exact number of subordinates they are answerable for and the limits of their supervision. Instead of believing the myths about privileged access management, the principle is applied when assigning departments.

In the field of information technology software programs are responsible for the processes they implement. Software programs resemble the managers and supervisors in a business. Just as there are managers for each department, there are software programs to perform a wide variety of tasks. If users want software for specific functionality, they can have customized software designed.

Principle of Authority (Criterion for Judgment)

Every company has a criterion of judgment to evaluate employee’s performance. The standard of achievement for people in the sales department is to achieve higher sales targets to accomplish advancement in their job designation. According to the principle of authority, all the members of a specific occupation must have the same criterion of evaluation. A similar concept of uniformity of judgment exists in networking security.

Security is the reason why the server or mainframe room of an organization is always monitored and kept locked. Access is only granted to the people authorized to operate the mainframe or server. The same criterion of judgment is applied for all of the people who eventually gain access to the server or mainframe room.

Principle of Authority (Decision Making Process)

According to the principles of management, each manager or supervisor needs authority to achieve their goals. If the leaders do not influence their staff, they would not be able to motivate their team to accomplish a unified goal. Managers are responsible for using their authority, ethically and responsibly. Authority works its way up from lower level to higher ranking individuals.

Why IT Knowledge and Management Skills Need to Be on the Same Page

IT consultants work on the same basis for their clients. The client becomes the IT consultant’s source of authority and source of information. The IT consultant proposes electronic data processing solutions to meet the client’s demands. The client must give the IT consultant the appropriate authority to implement these solutions for building a better cyber budget in the workplace to attain measurable positive results.

7th Principle of Responsibility

Once an associate gets the authority to manage a particular project, they will be held responsible for bringing the project to a successful conclusion. The principle of responsibility goes hand in hand with the principle of authority. If the project is not fulfilled according to expectations, the associate will be held responsible. The manager’s subordinates are not to blame for following their manager.

Why IT Knowledge and Management Skills Need to Be on the Same Page

Network administrators group users into broad categories and assign users network privileges. The network administrator becomes responsible for implementing network security on the entire network. If a breach occurs, the network administrator is the first person answerable for the event. “We have had several attempts of people trying to breach our website security to try to pilfer our merchandise,” exclaims Emily Wyatt from Premium Jackets. “Each time, our network security just keeps getting stronger and stronger.”

Author Bio: Amanda Jerelyn is the Marketing Manager for King Essay and a single mom. She is a highly reputed in the field of HR & Marketing and works as a freelance writer for AcademistHelp.

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