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Change Recycle bin Settings in Windows OS

Manoj Pandey 3133 09-Apr-2015

In windows provides to Recycle bin directory where deleted files are temporarily stored. This enables you to retrieve files that you may have accidentally deleted. From time to time, you'll want to clear the recycle bin to free up space on your hard disk. You can also configure Windows so that it doesn't use the recycle bin at all, but then you won't be able to retrieve accidentally deleted files.

You can change recycle bin settings according to your need. For example you want to set maximum size storage in recycle bin, or you want to delete permanently data from system.

1.      To set maximum storage size for the recycle bin

·         On the Desktop, right click in Recycle bin folder 

Change Recycle bin Settings in Windows OS 

·        Choose Properties and change the Maximum size value

  Change Recycle bin Settings in Windows OS

After change value click in Apply button. Now changed your Maximum size data to store in recycle bin directory.

2.      To delete permanently from your system instead of Recycle bin folder 

·         On the Desktop, right click in Recycle bin folder

·         Choose Properties and check the Don’t’ move files to the recycle bin and. Remove from immediately when deleted. 

   Change Recycle bin Settings in Windows OS

After check settings selection click on Apply button. Now after deleted any item or directories will not save on Recycle bin directory.

3.      To set confirmation Dialog

·         On the Desktop, right click in Recycle bin folder

·         Choose Properties and check the Display delete confirmation dialog 

 Change Recycle bin Settings in Windows OS

Now click on Apply button. On delete it will be ask you for confirmation delete.


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