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how to block someone on whatsapp

Manoj Pandey 2856 29-Apr-2015

WhatsApp is a cross-platform messaging app that allows users to communicate over Internet data or Wi-Fi without having to pay for SMS, You can communicate audio or talking via use whatsapp calling.

If you want to block someone users from your whatsapp list then you need to
follow below steps.

1.   Open whatsapp.

2.   Now click menu on the top and then select Settings option.

  how to block someone on whatsapp


3.    After click settings will be open an activity. Now choose Account Option then click in Privacy from given list.

     how to block someone on whatsapp

 4.   Now you can see Blocked contacts option in given list. It show number of blocked user. Here you can also add another user blocked or new user block. If you want to block another or new user click in blocked contacts.

   how to block someone on whatsapp


5.   After tap on the icon , it will be show your whatsapp list and you have need to select user which you want to block. 

how to block someone on whatsapp

 6.   Now you can see your blocked list.

    how to block someone on whatsapp

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