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How to increase the maximum volume in Windows 8

Manoj Pandey 3307 25-May-2015

Windows 8 is a personal computer operating system developed by Microsoft as part of the Windows NT family of operating systems. Development of Windows 8 started before the release of its predecessor, Windows 7, in 2009.

Windows 8 provide best features of value which can adjust according to user.  If you are struggling to listen volume of your pc then you can also increase volume or your volume is very crowded then you can slow volume.

Here I am telling you to adjust volume on you windows 8 pc.

There is two types to adjust volume first you can adjust value from your desktop.

Go to your desktop right bottom corner and see the below icon

How to increase the maximum volume in Windows 8

Click on volume icon and increase volume

How to increase the maximum volume in Windows 8

Second option to adjust volume of your system.

Windows 8 is to click the speaker icon next to the clock in the system tray. The slider is the same as the one found via the charms bar, but there's also a Mixer link which you can click to set the volume in individual applications. Only those which are currently open will be shown.

How to increase the maximum volume in Windows 8


To increase the volume more, tap the Windows button to go to the Start screen and type audio. This will bring up a list of results: click on Manage audio devices.

You'll see a window like the one below (on the left) which shows the Playback devices. Select the one currently being used, then click the Properties button.

How to increase the maximum volume in Windows 8

Another window will open (above, right) and you need to click on the Enhancements tab to see the Loudness Equalization option. Tick this, click Apply, then OK.

Updated 07-Sep-2019

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