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Blake Helppie

Blake Helppie

Anonymous User 2206 25-Sep-2019

Blake Helppie is 40 years old and was born on 12/20/1978. Previously city included Troy MI. Blake also answers to Helppie Blake, Blake Andrew Helppie, Blake Helppi and Blake A Helppie, and perhaps a couple of other names. Right now Blake is an Associate at Goldman Sachs. We know that Blake's political affiliation is currently a registered Unaffiliated/Non Affiliated; ethnicity is Caucasian; and religious views are listed as Christian. As of this date, Blake is single. Other family members and associates include Rose Freitas, Shannon Helppi, Brooke Mcfall, Grant Helppie and Priscila Helppie.

Blake Helppie is a graduate of Georgetown University in Washington, DC where he completed his undergraduate studies with a dual major in finance and accounting. He also completed coursework at the University of Vienna in Austria and Trinity College at the University of Oxford in England. He is fluent in German and Portuguese as well.

Blake Helppie, worked as CEO at JobApp Network, Inc. a national provider of a leading subscription-based, automated phone and Internet hourly hiring solution. In addition to this role Blake Helppie was partner at Vineyard Capital Group, a private equity group linking accredited investors with high growth companies. While at Vineyard Capital, Helppie was instrumental in the investment in JobApp Network and has been involved on a regular basis in the growth strategy for the company.

Updated 01-Apr-2020
Hi, I am George from the USA. I am working as a software engineer in New York. MY hobbies are reading books, playing football, and surfing the internet

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