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Yii Framework for Your Business Needs [Case Studies]

Yii Framework for Your Business Needs [Case Studies]

Anastasia Stefanuk3233 08-Oct-2019

Businesses, especially eCommerce and retail ones face the uphill challenges of increased development cost, faster software delivery, decreasing profit margins and increasing competition in the marketplace. In such circumstances, efficient, faster, secure, and reliable web application development frameworks like the PHP Yii framework are very important to decrease the development cost, increase delivery period, and create a competitive edge over the competitors. If you are looking for Yii developer to benefit from the Yii web application development framework, you are not wrong in your decision.

More than 705,471 websites use the Yii framework both live and historical. The number of live websites is about 317,328, which constitutes about 0.52% of the top 100K websites and 0.47% of the top 1 million websites in the web ecosystem. Version Yii 2.0 was launched in 2014. The latest release of this framework is Yii 2.0.27 that was released on the 18th of September 2019. 

Main Advantages of Using Yii Framework

Yii framework is a PHP based framework very effective and useful for the development of the Yii app for both web and mobiles. The Yii framework development costs lesser as compared to the other PHP frameworks in the market. The learning curve of this platform is very short powered by the detailed documentation and support. The security capabilities and customization features generate a high level of traction for the Yii developers to develop software applications with this platform. There are numerous examples of Yii framework-based projects that are among the top-rated websites or web applications.  

Yii framework offers great benefits to the businesses as well as to the developers as described below.

#1 Faster Development

Yii is very easy to learn with a very short learning curve. It offers numerous features such as CRUD and form input options that make the development much faster. The website appearance switching and a wide range of customization options make it a faster platform in terms of development time. It is a cross-platform that saves a substantial amount of time in multiple developments and releases.

#2 Open Source BSD License

This is an open-source platform, which is free to use under the BSD license. This platform helps reduce the loads on minor budgets of small businesses and startups. It allows you to develop both open source and proprietary software applications with full customization for free.

#3 Higher Level of Security

This platform has numerous features that help in developing web applications with robust security and reliability. This platform has powerful capabilities to avoid cookie attacks, cross-site scripting for forgery, and other kinds of cyberattacks. This platform helps in isolating the critical data from the basic code.   

#4 Reduced Development Cost

The overall development cost consists of the developers' salaries, infrastructure upfront, time-based incurring charges, platform, and tools fees and other related charges. This is a free platform that accelerates the software development so the recurring charges are low. Better security features and quality of software code also reduces the maintenance charges.

#5 Comprehensive Support

Yii framework is supported by a very powerful and large community. It has also comprehensive documentation for quick references. Numerous other types of learning content for the Yii PHP framework is available.

Salient Features of Yii Platform

Yii platform is a very flexible and highly featured framework, which is based on the PHP5. It offers numerous features that make it stand out from the other major PHP based platforms. The main features of Yii framework are listed below:

#1 Coding Flexibility

Developers can embed third party codes in this framework. It is an MVC or Model-View-Controller framework, which separates the software development into three logical compartments. This feature provides the capability of developing an extendable and scalable application. This framework is also suitable for all sizes and kinds of PHP based projects equally.

#2 Extended Database Support

YII platform is capable of supporting both the relational and non-relational databases. You can easily use NoSQL bases as well as the standard relational databases available in the marketplace. The performance of this framework is very high as compared to many other PHP frameworks. The powerful capability of Data Access Object (DAO) allows an API to access any DBMS.

#3 Higher Level of Security

YII is very well known for its robust security and reliability. It offers inbuilt support of authorization and authentication. It also supports multi-tier caching, which makes it much faster with better security. The MVC pattern isolates the database from the code. Overall, it offers great security in modern web environments.

#4 Higher Performance

Performance is one of the major features that make this framework the favorite framework in the PHP developers. It supports lazy loading technique, which eradicates the bottleneck created by the user session and database connection. Due to the lazy loading technique, the performance improves significantly. It also supports Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) functions to improve the performance of the framework.

#5 Faster Development

Developing web applications and websites with the YII framework is much faster owing to the short learning curve and huge inbuilt functions. It has code scalability and maintenance support, which makes it a faster platform to develop any kind of web application. Installation and customization of the YII framework are much faster and easier than other platforms. 

Yii Framework Example Sites

YII is a comparatively new PHP framework, but the growth of this framework is significantly faster. Numerous websites and web applications use this platform for many great reasons. A few examples of websites using the Yii framework are listed below.


This is one of the largest freelancing websites in Europe. It has more than 230,000 accounts of freelancers and clients. It offers numerous features that make it a professional freelancing website. This is a highly secure and reliable website that uses the power of the Yii framework. This website handles multiple activities and functions related to hiring, invoicing, payments, project milestones and much more.


This website is one of the most powerful and highly featured QR code generating websites. This offers numerous features to generate and manage the next generation QR codes for your personal, business, and other uses. It offers deeper colored codes and a deeper insight into the QR codes developed on this website. The website also offers numerous options and functionalities.


 This web application is based on the Yii framework. It offers detailed accounts of the eCommerce and online business profiling information. This application is used in over 150 countries with a customer base of over 250,000 online businesses. This web application offers many security, profile, and interaction features powered by Yii platform. The big names of the satisfied customers of this web application include DHL, UPS, Kibo, and many others.

Final Takeaway

Yii is one of the fastest-growing PHP frameworks in the marketplace. It is a highly reliable, secure, and featured platform, which offers higher performance, faster software development, reduced development cost, and scalable applications. It offers many great features such as MVC pattern, DAO support, restful API, NoSQL database, rational database, third-party code embedment, and much more. Numerous popular and high traffic websites benefit from the power of the Yii framework. The future of this platform looks great in the years to come.

I am a passionate writer and Software Development enthusiast. I work as a Content Manager at Mobilunity. I am always trying to follow the latest news on diverse areas of technology and software products, at the same time I am aiming to share my experience online to help tech startups and companies to be up-to-date.

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