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How To Motivate Your Child To Learn More?

How To Motivate Your Child To Learn More?

Labourindia650 19-Oct-2019

As a parent, it’s hard not to become invested in our child’s academic life because we know how important it is for their future. From our view, it makes no sense that our children would put things like friends or electronics before their work. The truth is, most children are motivated, but not by what we think should motivate them. Understand that children need to buy into the value of doing well. Teachers in the international school in Kerala developing a positive learning environment in the classroom and they create a positive, productive learning atmosphere for students.

Below are some tips on how you can motivate your kid to do better in school.

  • Keep a relationship with your kids that respectful and positive. This will allow you to be most influential with them, which is your most powerful parenting tool. Punishing, preaching, threatening and manipulating will get you nowhere and will be harmful to your relationship and to their ultimate motivation. Your feelings of fear, frustration are normal and understandable. But reacting to your kids out of these emotions will be ineffective. 
  • Ask the teacher. If your child’s grades and work practices are not up to par, you can fix a plan by sitting down with him and his teachers. He might have to check with them to make sure he has everything before leaving the school, and then check with you before going back to school to make sure all his work is in his bag. Once your child gets better at managing his time, finishing his work and reviewing his subjects before tests, then it’s time for you to back off. 
  • Be kind but firm. Try your best to be a parent who is good, helpful, loving, consistent and firm versus punitive, over-functioning and controlling. For every negative interaction with your child, try to build positive ones. Try to put the focus on supporting and helping him instead of worrying and nagging. When you start to understand his grades are a reflection of you or your parenting and that you are responsible for his outcome, you will be on his case and it will be harmful and ineffective.

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