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Expectations from WordPress 5.3: A Comprehensive Guide

Expectations from WordPress 5.3: A Comprehensive Guide

Jason1176 24-Oct-2019

Our wait is now going to be over soon!! 

WordPress is likely to release its new version (5.3) in November 2019.  

Exciting?? Definitely!!

It is expected that WordPress 5.3 will be one of the best releases till date. The WordPress community is waiting for the new version after the release of WordPress 5.2. 

It will be exciting to see what WordPress 5.3 is going to bring in the Gutenberg Editor. Every WordPress user knows that WordPress regularly updates itself with extensive features and functionalities.  The WordPress web development companies never lack behind to practice the new features and functionalities that will make them stand out among their competitors. 

According to the WordPress 5.3 coordinator Francesca Marano, “The focus will be polishing current interactions and making the UIs more user-friendly” in the schedule. So, here in this article, we will explain the things that we are expecting to see in WordPress 5.3. Let’s get started!!

Things That We are Likely to See in WordPress 5.3

The executive director of WordPress, Josepha Haden, has mentioned some of the significant features that WordPress 5.3 will bring are:

  • Motion: It would boost the visual motion while arranging and moving the blocks.
  • Grouping: This will break the pages into sections.
  • Large images: It will save progress when the large image has issues in uploading.
  • Column patterns and widths: It will fix the column widths and predefined layouts.
  • PHP 7.4: It will be used when WordPress 5.3 will release
  • Media accessibility: It fixes and the polishes with 11y audit
  • WordPress 5.3 will create and test the updates with email administrations

After comprehending a brief about the changes, let’s check out the significant changes, WordPress 5.3 will deliver us:

# Group Block

WordPress 5.3 will authorize you to customize and create large sections of the content. With group blocking, you can:

  • Combine the other blocks 
  • Arrange the blocks, child blocks with the alignment settings
  • Build a multi column layout with background images and color

# Integrating and Modifying Images

It is complex to modify and integrate the image into an image. It needs an effort to “add media” and then scroll via image library. The anticipation is that WordPress 5.3 will have a dragging and dropping option to integrate an image, or you can also replace an existing image. 

# Prevention of Indexing

With WordPress 5.3, you can prevent the indexing of the website. This can be possible with the most secure robots meta tags method. It will affect the “discourage search engines from indexing this website” settings.

# Enhancements in the Column Block

The WordPress users know that with its latest version, it is not possible to change the column’s width. That becomes an issue when there is a requirement of a flexible layout. So, providing a feature that can let you change the width is a huge step WordPress 5.3 is carrying. 

It is a hope that with WordPress 5.3, you can change the width and can align the cells in a row. It will be going to help us in building more complicated layouts. Though, you can also hire a professional WordPress developer to do the needful for you. The choice is all yours.

Concluding Remarks

WordPress has never failed to impress us with the functional features it is holding. Undoubtedly, some of the best improvements are coming our way with the arrival of WordPress 5.3.  If you have an idea about the other changes, WordPress 5.3 is serving then do share with us. We hope you liked this article. Thanks for reading!!

Jason Daszkewicz is a Senior WordPress developer and a passionate blogger. Currently, she is associated with WordSuccor. A leading WordPress development service provider company all across the globe. He is well known for his professional writings and technical blogs. He loves to share useful information regarding WordPress. Connect with him on Twitter and Instagram.

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