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Air Quality Monitoring: The need of the hour

Air Quality Monitoring: The need of the hour

Sopie Mate833 26-Dec-2019

Considering how the levels of pollution in the entire world has been constantly rising over the past few years, causing an increase in various climatic problems, leading to health issues and harming the environment ecosystem, it has become crucial for every responsible citizen to keep a check on their contribution to this increasing mass pollution and ensure its reduction.

Without keeping this check, it will not take time before the entire earth faces a downfall and sees extinction. Already we see how the animal ecosystem is getting into trouble and negatively impacting the plant and human ecosystem as well.

How should one do so?

There are mostly four types of pollution that one needs to look at. Air, water, land and noise pollution to be specific. Air pollution leads to air-borne diseases, global warming and climate change. While water pollution causes acid rain, harms the water ecosystem and causes stomach issues. Thirdly, soil pollution damages crops, groundwater levels and generates lot of solid waste which aren’t easily disposed. Lastly, noise pollution causes deafness, kills birds and other animals.
Hence, these and many more harmful effects of such types of pollution are the reason why they need to be monitored. Yes, each type of pollution can be monitored, recorded and analyzed via various methods and equipments to ensure it can be reduced and put an end to. The most common and highly necessary one is air quality monitoring which has been incorporated in many nations and continues to dominate the pollution monitoring network.

What is air quality monitoring?

Air quality monitoring is a hands down and simple technique to attach numbers to the process of measuring air pollution. It collects, collates and compiles numerical data regarding the level of various air pollutants in the environment like O2, NO2, PM10, PM2.5, ozone, lead, arsenic, nickel, CO and benzene etc and hence, keep a regular check on them. This way, it is by air quality monitoring only that one gets to know how is the current air level and does it match the official standards set in any region across the world.

Usually, there are three types of air quality monitoring techniques that are commonly used –

1)    Manual work

So, in case of air quality monitoring, the air is usually sampled first, then weighed after which the data is recorded, which in turn can be used for further analysis. Now, in the manual technique, each of these broad four steps are done manually without the use of any automatic machinery. This methodology is one the oldest ones for air control monitoring and hence, not very real-time due to the time it consumes to collect and analyse just one sample.

2)    Continuous work

This a newer version of the manual technique, quite the opposite rather. It is faster, better and more efficient. Here sought out modern day technology is used for the initial steps of air quality monitoring and human labour is only employed to analyze the collected information. It is mostly used in regions where the pollution levels are bound to change over a short period of time and is being incorporated by regulatory authorities all over the world for creating a smooth network of monitoring. Infact, drone technology which is compact and weatherproof like Oizom’s Polludrone is also used commonly these days.

3)    Satellite work

Like the name suggests, this incorporates use of the most high-end technology by those who can afford it to keep a check on large regions over a point of time. It mostly covers cyclical changes in levels of pollution, has cloud analytics in the loop and basic ground work only.

Why is air quality monitoring important?

1)    Precaution is better than cure

The fact that air quality monitoring is a way to get quantitative data on air pollution, it allows one to know the current situation, specifically how bad the situation is or can be. This way, one can take precautions, be it health related or on a larger scale, environment related to curb pollution or the release of any specific pollutant before things go out of control. For example: If one suffers from asthma and is aware that their residential region is seeing a rise in a harmful respiratory pollutant, they can easily take medical precaution beforehand. Similarly, if the government gets to know that automobile air pollution is rising, they can immediately initiate new norms to reduce them.

2)    The raw analysis need

With air quality monitoring, it allows all users to figure out and gather knowledge. It encourages reading and knowing about the scenario around us, acting as a database for everyone. Modern day techniques also create a long-term trend analysis to make any predictions and awareness programmes. Data is the new oil which is definitely needed to fight the battle against pollution.

What about the users?


They use the information to create research work, predict future trends and find the main aggravators that are causing damage to the ecosystem. It acts as a base for any statements, reports and suggestions they make.

Regulatory bodies

Governments and Pollution control boards work to incorporate this data and take preventive action, create norms and set standard limits. This is how they monitor and set control over industries, automobiles and other polluters.


This data can be released to the common public to generate awareness and instill responsibility amongst them. This way, they know which activity to reduce, where to go and what to go to safeguard themselves and those around them from air


Hence, one should look into the problem of air pollution, even opt for air quality monitoring on a personal level if needed rather than only relying on large-scale government funded work. Sometimes, even public places like schools and colleges should install an air quality monitor to create atmospheric awareness and precaution. This way, it is an opportunity for entire humans to take a step back, be proactive and know the efforts needed.

Updated 28-Dec-2019
Air Quality Monitoring

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