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The Key to a Successful Presentation – Simplicity

The Key to a Successful Presentation – Simplicity

Keerthi Rathore 1091 29-Jan-2020

Presentations can be of various kinds. It can be the quarterly or annual report of a company. It can be a presentation highlighting the vision and the targets of the company for the coming fiscal. It can be a new product launch. A presentation can be about almost anything on earth. So, there are two tricky aspects to a presentation and both are linked to each other! The first aspect is the preparation of the presentation and the second, as I mentioned earlier, is the ability of the audience to comprehend it. We work upon the first aspect keeping in mind the second aspect. That is because if the audience is unable to comprehend what we are saying and showing to them then the presentation is an exercise in futility!

One of the greatest examples of a difficult message being put forward through a verbal presentation or a speech was in the year 1960. U.S. President John F Kennedy had just come to power. The time was quite tumultuous as the Soviet Union had taken a big lead over the United States in the Space Race. The American Space Agency, on the other hand, could barely get a rocket capable of launching a man liftoff from the launch pad as all of the rockets were exploding due to some reason or the other. The political situation was such that all of the allies of the U.S. And all of the American Public had taken a psychological blow from having to recognize the fact that their rival, the Soviet Union was indeed a technologically superior country. 

As the astronaut Eugene Cernan had said, we all were in shock and were looking towards the government saying, the Soviets had done something spectacular (by sending satellites and men to space) what are you going to do? So, President John Kennedy, on the occasion of the first American man going on a suborbital flight, cam to address a distinguished crowd with his intentions vis a vis the space race. What he did was keep it very simple. He did not make it technical, although space is a very technical field, and he did not long! 

The American audience could summarize his speech in a single line, something which Astronaut Michael Collins often did. The line was, Where? Moon! When? End of Decade! That is it. There were no ifs and buts to that presentation of American intentions for the coming decade. 

Comparatively presenters today still have it easy as they have a visual aid in the form of a powerpoint presentation which can help them put their ideas forward. That said, we still have to take care of the finer aspects of the powerpoint presentation before we take it in front of the crowd. Limiting the amount of text and including pictures or videos, wherever possible is one of the basic steps in making a presentation look attractive! 

Seeing how a lot rides on corporate presentations it is usually recommended to take the services of the experts in the form of presentation design services. What the presentation design services do is that they create a powerpoint presentation design that suits the nature of your presentation. They custom make slides for you, they provide a structure to your presentation and make sure that your presentation is simple and precise enough to be understood by the audience. The experts ensure that your powerpoint presentation design is such that the amount of information given out per slide is limited, for the simple reason that the audience does not find itself buried under an avalanche of information. This is often an error that presenters commit which is why taking the assistance of experts would ensure that such a situation is not faced by us and our audiences thus, resulting in us having a successful presentation. 

Updated 29-Jan-2020

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