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How To Use SMS To Improve Customer Service

How To Use SMS To Improve Customer Service

Marko Phillips 1332 21-Feb-2020

In today’s competitive business environment, good customer service makes a world of difference. 

And do you know exactly how much difference does it make? One satisfied customer can bring in nine referrals, which is a whopping number if you consider how hard it is to acquire customers through referrals and how valuable those referred customers are. 

So, how do you step up your game and give the level of service your customers expect from you and even beyond that? 

The Power of SMS

No matter where you are right now, if you just take a look around, you’ll find the majority of people around you glued to their phones. They are either interacting on social media, using an app or looking up something. Phones are basically molded to our bodies today. 

And when we talk about phones, the most powerful thing is a simple text message. 2 billion people use SMS services, and 90% of customers read their text messages the first minute they ping their phones. If you compare these numbers with other channels, you’ll see a drastic amount of difference. 

So, how do you use SMS to improve your customer service?

Here are some ways you can use SMS to reach out to your customers. 

Get Feedback 

Did you know that only 1 out of 26 unhappy customers complain? So, what happens to the rest of them? Well, they just leave. 

Bad customer experience is one of the primary reasons for churning. Keeping in touch with customers and getting their feedback through SMS is one of the ways you can encourage them to let you know about an issue. 

Send a simple text message, usually a poll that customers have to answer in one letter or number. This allows customers to send feedback anonymously and easily, so you can improve your services in the future. 

Give Support to Your Customers and Resolve Issues

A third of internet users find voice and phone support the most annoying customer support channel. And you know why. It’s absolutely frustrating when you are put on hold for a very long time, and your issue is still not resolved at the end of the call. 

Text messaging is a better alternative of providing good customer support. It is quick and convenient for customers to send a text message to the business to report a problem. Phone calls can be costly, while emails and live chat require a data connection. On the other hand, SMS is an affordable and convenient way for customers to reach out to a business. 

SMS is also easy for agents to respond back and resolve issues. With apps like Twilio Plus integrated with help desk solutions, agents can efficiently resolve issues by having all the information about the customers at one place. 

Send Reminders

Life is so busy these days. We make appointments and then we totally forget about them. Having a simple reminder landing in our inbox can be so helpful for all of us. 

While most businesses use phone calls to remind customers, text messaging is a lot better way to send a reminder. 

First, SMS doesn’t disrupt your customers’ busy schedules, and second, it’s less time consuming for the agent to reach out via an SMS than by trying to reach a customer through a phone call. 

Follow Up With Customers 

Following up with customers is a great way of ensuring customer loyalty and increasing customer retention. 

Sending a simple follow up message shows the customer that you care and helps you gain more business from your customer. 

Send News about Sales and Promotions

Sending discount codes and exclusive sale notifications can be a great way to retain customers and make them return. Having the highest number of open rates, SMS is the best way to do that. 

Let Them Update Personal Information

Updating personal information like addresses and email addresses can be daunting for customers. Think of a bank or an insurance company. If the client wants to update personal information, they have to make long and annoying phone calls. Having the option to update personal information via SMS can be really time-saving and convenient for them. 

Share Personalized Content

Let your customers know that you care by sending them personalized and informative content. Think of a beauty salon. To keep your customers engaged, you can send a short message with tips and advice about dealing with dryness during the winter season. 

With this type of personalized and informative content, you can go above and beyond when giving customer support. 

Your customers will feel appreciated, and they are more likely to return and stay loyal. 

Manager at OnlineSecurity

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