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How To Improve General Knowledge And Current Affairs

How To Improve General Knowledge And Current Affairs

Mohan Bhagwat926 26-May-2020

There are many people who like to enhance their general knowledge and also like to know about current affairs. For some people, it may be tedious also, as it’s not easy to remember the names of famous people or incidents, etc. But in this guide, you will get to know about the various sources and easy ways to remember the details of current affairs and also the general knowledge. So, let’s start with the easiest way to remember and learn general knowledge and current affairs. The first and the foremost thing that you have to remember is that it’s like a story or a short piece of information.

Story Method & Short Form Formulas -

The way we like to talk with our friends and gossip, the same way you can develop your interest in general knowledge and current affairs. It’s like a story. It’s as simple as that. Then next is how to remember, one of the easiest methods to remember is the mathematical method or short-form method. For instance, you want to remember the names of important personalities like defense minister Mr. Rajnath Singh so you can make it like this DMRS or DMRNS or DEFMIN RAJS. In these short methods you can improve your current affairs. So, to improve your general knowledge apply the story method to learn the facts and to improve your current affairs use the short form method, symbol method like def20RS i.e. defense minister for 2020 Mr. Rajnath Singh.

Newspaper &Manorama -

There are also many sources from where you can improve your general knowledge and current affairs. The first and the foremost source from where you can improve your GK and current affairs is the newspaper. It is one of the best sources which help you to enhance your current affairs knowledge. There are also many irrelevant news that is given in the newspaper, you don’t have to waste your time reading that news. Just read what is important. Then to enhance your general knowledge, one of the best books that you can read is the “Manorama”. It is one of the best books which has complete GK and Current affairs related to all the information up to date.


Another fastest way to enhance your general knowledge and current affairs are the television. You can switch to various news channels and this way you get the latest and up to date news on the happenings all around the globe and this can also improve your general knowledge and current affairs. DD News is also the best. News channels most of the time cover every minute details of the current affair.

Internet, E-Magazines & Apps -

Then next is the internet, with the help of which you can get the vast news and details to improve your current affairs and general knowledge. You can also switch to various current affairs sites and there are many online sources also which gives details about current affairs. You can also read magazines also. Monthly magazines and semi-annual editions are there including the e-magazines. Plus, there are various apps also on smart phones which help to get the latest news; you should switch to those current affairs apps. This will help you to improve your general knowledge and current affairs.

A social speaker loves to guide my readers & followers about education, technology, & career. Expertise in sociology, human physiology, & education. Inspiration towards success.

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