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Tidying-up Session Logs on Dynamics CRM

Tidying-up Session Logs on Dynamics CRM

Praveen Kumar 1454 09-Jul-2020


Here we are going to discuss various processes in Dynamics CRM and how the logs processes impact the performance of the application. Besides, let's know about tidying up session logs.

In Microsoft Dynamics CRM, an automated workflow process performs the actions by attaining the rules and conditions before every step. There are 4 classifications in the process.

Let's move right in for those categories:

Business process flow: It's a process where the user can define the stages and steps in the Dynamics CRM interface to have an idea in the business process.

Workflow: It's a process in which the complete execution can automate and must require user input from for the execution. Moreover, it executes in the background to have the automation ability. It can also be initiated in a single instance one after another.

Dialog: It's a process in which the user initiates himself in the execution, and it can also guide using the interactive steps on the data of Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

Action: It consists of the configured steps on the user interface of Dynamics CRM and can be invoked with the customer code. It can also lead to business logic and determine when to apply from the code.


The performance of the application always relies on the size of the database. Ta is considered as a significant factor in the CRM application. The database size still impacts by having vital business process flow and also having the tables that are workflow related. There's vast online information and data for workflow maintenance. Both Action and business process flow are introduced very recently to the functionality, and further information depends on future challenges.

Make a note that Dialog types are in the Dynamics CRM but also have a process session in the name of the content having details of the executive session. As we know, the process session is always in the name of dialog in the CRM database. To verify the references, they should be mentioned against the database views of Dynamics CRM.

Table of Process session and Database:

Execution is always done by using the interface wizard pages as a step. Each of these steps might have information on data processing. Also, the table of process sessions is associated with the Global Unique Identifier (GUI).

The relationship with the two tables are:

  1. Workflow log
  2. POA (Principle Object Access)

Association with Tables:

Every time there is an entry in the workflow log and POA. The Object type code is considered as a reference to POA (Principle Object Access). The records may stay concerning the table of the workflow log. If the POA table size increases, then there will be an impact on the performance of the application.

The record creation in the POA table creates a corresponding record to other processes. A dialog is similar to the business process flow and workflow, which is a reference entry to the access of POA. There is a chance of entry for the actual object made in the table of Asyncoperation if in the case when the workflow is executed. Often, the Dynamics CRM implementations are maintained on the table size, but not too large. Both Architects and Dynamics developers manage an async operation table which will go to tidy up the respective entries in the workflow table and Principal Object Access (POA) tables.

What is the ProcessSession Table?

  • It represents a dialog session which is created when the user runs and also executes the dialog process with logs on the session like actions in the running of the dialog process.

What is WorkFlowLog Table?

  • It stores the status or result of every dialog step that is executed for dialogs and workflows.

What is the PrincipleObjectAccess (POA) Table?

  • It contains the shared records' data such as when the record is accessed with owning in the user CRM service. It will check whether the person has the privilege or not. It can make an entry every time to check.


As we know, the process session contains records in every dialog with details like actions performed and status of the executions. Every time there is an entry which is recorded in the table of process session. There is a chance of creating duplicate entries in the workflow log with execution steps. It will also create an equal number of POA table records.

As discussed earlier, the table of process session consists of records to refer to the data in particular session execution, and it will be recorded in the dialog session during the execution time. The data would be required in the further frequency references, which can depend on the application process, functionality, and business requirements. Also, there is a requirement of data not older than six months. Further, these records may be deleted, present in the POA table and Workflow table. The deleted data will also be associated with the POA and workflow table for the record reduction count.

How to set the bulk process session's delete job?

  1. Initially, login to the application of Dynamics with the credentials of the system administrator.
  2. Then go to settings and navigate bulk record deletion in the data management.
  3. Then click "New."
  4. Set "Look for Process sessions."
  5. Now, define the Criteria to delete bulk, such as cancelled, completed, older modification and so on.
  6. Then click Next to have an options page.
  7. There you have to provide Name, Recurrence Pattern, and Starting time.
  8. Finally, click Submit.

Note: The entire bulk deletion process should not clash with some other bulk application deletion.


The bulk deletion job helps in clearing the records from the sessions of dialog or process. The dialog session is the same as that of workflow in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. They are not run under async and cannot hold Async operation entry. Moreover, they hold a workflow log entry. Generally, it is understood that dialog is executed in the process session. For the associated entries, it holds the Principal Object Access (POA). I hope this article helps you in knowing the tidying-up sessions on Dynamics CRM.

Author Bio: 

Tidying-up Session Logs on Dynamics CRM

Praveen is working as a Content writer with more than four years of experience in writing for KBS Institute on various IT platforms such as Data Science, Java, Selenium, Python, RPA, and Cloud Computing. He is dedicated to creating useful and quality content on the IT platforms.

Updated 09-Jul-2020
Praveen is working as a Content writer with more than four years of experience in writing for KBS Institute on various IT platforms such as Data Science, ServiceNow, Java, Selenium, Python, RPA, and Cloud Computing. He is dedicated to creating useful and quality content on the IT platforms.

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