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What is copyright free music?

What is copyright free music?

Julia Beyers 2914 24-Aug-2020

However, not all sound data, including free music, can be used just like that. Many of them are presented solely for informational purposes, because downloading them and even more so using them for commercial purposes is punishable by law if the required files are subject to copyright.

However, free music still exists. You should look for it on resources that are not burdened with strict restrictions.

These include music stocks and platforms that legally distribute music under Creative Commons licenses. Under such a license, sites and their users can engage in wider distribution of audio files, their use for their own purposes, and completely legally. But licenses of this type do not remove all restrictions, therefore, before using data from this or that resource, you should familiarize yourself with the type of license that it has and carefully read what opportunities are open to you using this license.

 Where to find this kind of music?

Free music without copyright is even on YouTube, as well as a variety of sound effects, compressed to the maximum available bitrate in MP3 format - 320kb / s - you can download it and use it in the music library of the well-known blogging network YouTube. But the quality of the music here, frankly, leaves much to be desired.

Finding good quality and musical works that will give the right and will not have problems with copyright holders turned out to be not an easy task for many. Therefore, in this article I want to mention a site where you can do this easily, quickly and not name any further problems such as blocking, fines and much more. This is a platform that includes many compositions for all tastes. A convenient filter system allows you to find the desired composition in just a couple of minutes.

 You can sort the library by genre, mood or author. The available licensing system makes the tracks easy to use even in commercial projects.

As for payment, legal documents and licenses - there is no hidden meaning, all license information is indicated next to the track that you will be watching. Also on the site you can subscribe to a convenient and beneficial subscription, thanks to which you will receive periodic mailings with coupons for discount.

If you have any questions, you can contact the administration of the platform - they are always in touch, ready to help you and answer any questions. It is very easy and pleasant to work with such a team of professionals.

Music without copyright - does it happen?

To answer this question, you need to go a little deeper into the process of creating and releasing music. In view of the fact that musical works do not appear on their own, someone creates them. It follows from this that if there is an author of the work, then there is also copyright. Another question is whether this or that track is protected by this right or not.

The law on copyright around the world defines a general rule for calculating the duration of property copyright in musical works and it sounds like this: "Exclusive copyright is valid for the entire life of the author and 70 years after his death." While the exclusive copyright is in force, the work can only be used if special conditions are met, which imply the payment of a fixed cost to the copyright holders for the use of their property.

That is, based on this, we can come to the conclusion that only the music of authors who have not been alive for more than 70 years can be used for free.

But, there is also a catch here - the fact is that the 70-year term is used to exhaust one's own copyright, and not legal. Legal law is when a legal entity performed the same track by its musicians or an orchestra, some studio recorded it, some company published and put it on sale. These are additional rights that are protected by law.

That is, the issue of payment of remuneration to the author is key and remains open. Authors or their successors are legally required to be compensated for the use of their property by others. The most popular violation, in this sense, is when "classical" music of the past centuries sounds in the room, but it sounds performed by a modern orchestra or published by a modern record company.

How do you get copyright-free music? Without "copyright", as you already understood, it is impossible, but you can get around this issue a little and contrive this way: the music that you need is performed by a musician who makes it available to you, provided with a Creative Commons license. Possible options for its use are clearly prescribed in it. In truth, this option, although provided for by law, can be problematic. Therefore, it is better to have a paper contract with the copyright holder or his licensee.

Updated 24-Aug-2020
Acquiring a wealth of experience in writing articles on trends and prospects for the development of the game industry in the world I I've found myself as a Freelance Journalist. I am writing now about blockchain and cryptocurrencies trends, sometimes covering importance of bitcoin for various other industries.

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