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Customer Journey

Customer Journey

Anshu Dwivedi887 21-Nov-2020

When your work for free

The most popular word in the world of markeing is free .when anyone find anyone it is free then people click on it .and this is the part of strategy where we provide small ebook,video,course for free and when we get free then we give our number and contect details to the submit and here the journey starts .when the marketer get it then it nutre the lead by nurturing it .soon ans steadily people starts converting how a journey free starts from nothing converte d into a profitable business .you have seen that sometime it is ebook other time it is series of video .

Marketer know the psychology how a user take action how user become customer and from customer to loyal customer .

The cutomer will know about your product when it aware about you then it get engage and latar become the customer

When 100 of people aware from your product then very few people satrs taking action from your services and for the buying decision for your product .

Today content marketing or inbound marketing work in the same way first marketer starts giving you content .it help customer from their content when it make some audience of same niche .then starts taking lead from the cutomer .remember one who is not giving you email address will not give you money .when the marketer get the adreees then they starts providing some couse of low budget .here your marketer bring you from cold to warm and when you buy their corse then you become hot customer .

And it is applicable to all type of business ,today any type of work can be monetize .one who has knowledge in any field can become the expert and sell their expertise to the people of their field .this is the journey which start from free sooner become the profitable .

hello everyone I am Anshu Dwivedi completed my graduation from Allahabad University .I have knowledge of marketing and give services as a content writer

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