MindStick is the platform where you can post as well as share multiple types of content writing services such as:
What is Forum?
The forum comes under the Developer Section at MindStick, this is a kind of technical group where we can discuss our technical issues and queries, and get the appropriate information we require. Users can ask any sort of technical question and can answer as well to any question asked by any user.
The forum contains only questions & answers.
- You cannot add images to any question or answer at Forum.
- The forum doesn't acquire any kind of promotional content (Q&A).
- No need to add linking to your question and answers at Forum.
- You can reply to multiple answers to any question.
What is an Interview?
An interview also comes under the Developer Section at MindStick, which lets us read as well as post some technical questions or mostly related to the programming, which is beneficial for us in so many ways. Interview let you enhance your technical skills for example:
- Programming Languages: Java, C#, Rubyonrails, PHP
- DataBase
- DataScience
- Script Language
- Frameworks: .net, Joomla, Laravel
- Server: SQL, MySQL, Apache, JVM
What is Beginner?
Beginner comes under the Developer Section at MindStick. The beginner is similar to the article, the only difference between a beginner and an article is that a beginner post is written under the guidance of any professional, and only written by a student or child fond of writing. This allows you to post your article in the optional category of a beginner if you aren't a professional yet.
- The beginner is as same as an article.
- A beginner must be the knowledgeable point of view.
- A beginner must contain self-experience
- A beginner must contain observations.
- MindStick prohibits promotional beginner content.
- Your beginner content must be well-formatted for example - heading, inverted commas, images, links, etc.
- Your beginner content must always be unique, it should not be copied from somewhere else.
- MindStick supports their writers, also offers gifts.
What is Share?
Share is the platform where you can post your pre-posted content in the form of a URL.
Suppose you have had posted any content on any other platform, the MindStick's share option which is located at the developer section, lets you post the content at the share page, by only pasting the URL of that content.
The Process to Post an Interview at MindStick?
Step 1. To post an interview you must be registered at MindStick.
Step 2. As you're registered and logged into MindStick >> Go to the Home page at www.mindstick.com
Step 3. Click on the Developer Section where you will find an interview option to post.
Step 4. Take your cursor to Contribute Button >> Click then a drop-down menu will appear including the following options below.
Step 5. Click on the Interview Section to post.
Step 6. Now you can easily submit your Interview.
The Process to Post a Forum at MindStick?
Step 1. To post a forum you must be registered at MindStick.
Step 2. As you're registered and logged into MindStick >> Go to the Home page. at www.mindstick.com
Step 3. Click on the Developer Section where you will find a forum option to post.
Step 4. Take your cursor to the "Ask Question" button click there to ask.
Step 6. Now you can easily submit your Forum.
Step 7. How to post a reply an answer on any question at Forum.
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