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Creating DLL File in C# with Visual Studio Code | Dyanmic Link Library(DLL)

Creating DLL File in C# with Visual Studio Code | Dyanmic Link Library(DLL)

Anonymous User 14114 01-Jul-2021

Now, we are going to learn, how to create a DLL file in C# with the help of Visual Studio Code. 

Step 1 : Open Visual Studio Code on your computer by easily search with the help of shortcut key Command+spacebar (For Windows User you can search it on Windows Search option which is present in the slight right of start menu at the bottom).

Creating DLL File in C# with Visual Studio Code | Dyanmic Link Library(DLL)| Dyanmic Link Library(DLL)">

Step 2 : Select files on VS Code and click on New, after selecting click on Project and then select Visual C#(Class Library). Name the project according to your Project and then hit the OK Button.

Creating DLL File in C# with Visual Studio Code | Dyanmic Link Library(DLL)| Dyanmic Link Library(DLL)">

Step 3 : After this your Default Boiler Plate will generate in the Editor. now, you have to change the change the class name of your class(Default class name will be class1.cs you have to change according to your Project Need. Like you are creating a Average Calculator Program you have to named it as average.cs )

Creating DLL File in C# with Visual Studio Code | Dyanmic Link Library(DLL)| Dyanmic Link Library(DLL)">

Step 4 : Now build the Code you've done by pressing the F6 key on the keyboard. Now you can see your average.dll file in the 'bin/debug' Directory of your project.

Creating DLL File in C# with Visual Studio Code | Dyanmic Link Library(DLL)| Dyanmic Link Library(DLL)">

Hurrah! You've created your first DLL file in Visual Studio. Now you can able to use it anywhere and save the snippet line of code and make your code more convenient.

Updated 02-Jul-2021
I am a content writter !

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