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Why Python is Good for Machine Learning?

Why Python is Good for Machine Learning?

HARIDHA P 738 18-Oct-2022

Now that you've learned about artificial intelligence and machine learning, let's look at why Python is utilized for machine learning. There are at least four compelling reasons to adopt Python for machine learning. Let us list them:

1. Consistency and simplicity

Python can help to simplify AI algorithms and machine learning models, which are complicated predictive technologies. How? With its straightforward code and a plethora of machine learning-specific libraries, it is possible to shift the focus away from the language and into algorithms. It is also simple to learn, consistent, and intuitive. As a result, Python ranks third among the most popular technologies. This language received 48.24% of developer votes.

2. A wide range of libraries and frameworks

Python makes advantage of a large database of libraries and frameworks for machine learning. As an example,

NumPy works with arrays, some linear algebra, and various matrices.

Keras is a deep learning API that runs on Tensorflow to allow for rapid experimentation.

Tensorflow is a free open source library for machine learning and artificial intelligence that focuses on training and deep neural networks.

Matplotlib is a Python toolkit that allows you to create visualizations (static, animated, and interactive).

Seaborn is a Python-based data visualization package that allows you to create visually appealing and high-quality statistics visuals.

PyTorch is an open-source machine learning package that may be used to create computer vision and natural language processing applications.

3. Platform agnostic

Python-based software solutions can be designed and operated on a variety of operating system platforms. Linux, Windows, Mac, Solaris, and other operating systems are examples. This greatly simplifies python programming machine learning. That is why Python is popular among developers when creating ML apps.

4. Outstanding community

There are Python communities, much as there are JavaScript communities. And it's massive. Taking development into account, you can get practically anything you need there. Furthermore, when you ask a question there, you will always receive support and answers.

These are the most notable advantages of Python for machine learning. But there's more to look at.

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