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8 Tips to Stay in Touch With Your Remote Team

8 Tips to Stay in Touch With Your Remote Team

Dan M 941 13-Mar-2023

Remote working has become increasingly popular in the past few years. More companies are embracing the idea of allowing employees to work from home or other locations.

Research shows that present-day employees would choose to spend 40% of their time working from home. While this can be beneficial for both employers and employees, it also presents some unique challenges.

Some challenges involved could be how to stay connected with your remote team. Whereas, keeping an open line of communication is essential for any successful team, no matter where they are located. 

But, when you’re working with a remote team, it can be difficult to ensure everyone is on board and up-to-date. To help ensure your remote team stays in touch and productive, here are 8 tips for staying connected with them.

1. Use Project Management Software

The utilization of project management software is a great way to keep workers on the same page. You can keep track of comments, and deadlines, assign tasks in one place, and set priorities and statuses. 

The use of user provisioning can also help the team control and track what devices are being accessed, who, and where they are being accessed from. This reduces security risks, provisioning tools can help maintain and protect the security of sensitive data. It is most helpful if your team is working on numerous projects at once.

2. Have Regular Check-Ins

It's important to have regular check-ins with your remote team to ensure everyone is on the same page and productive. The following tips can be considered on how to do this effectively:

  • Schedule weekly or biweekly check-in meetings, and send out an agenda beforehand so everyone knows what will be discussed.
  • During the meeting, start with a quick round of updates from each team member. This is a chance for everyone to share what they're working on and any obstacles they're facing.
  • Open up the floor for discussion on any issues or concerns. Make sure everyone feels heard and that decisions are made collaboratively.
  • Finally, end with some positive feedback and encouragement for the team. Celebrate their successes and let them know you're grateful for their hard work!

3. Encourage Informal Communication

When people are not in the same location or physical space, it can be easy for them not to feel connected to each other. 

To help fight this, encourage your team members to speak with each other casually as possible. It could be sending each other funny memes, sharing individual stories, or just checking up on one another regularly. 

Furthermore, you should also make available opportunities for your team members to associate with one another on a more social level. 

This could be organizing group outings, frequent virtual coffee chats, happy hours, or just giving people time to have small talks during team meetings. 

4. Make Use of Technology

There are lots of great tools and technologies that can help ease communication between remote team workers. It is important to have frequent face-to-face time with your team. 

According to research, the number of US employees working remotely has increased by 173%. The use of technology helped to stay connected with one another. 

You no longer have to worry about office space and other amenities to run a high-class company. 

5. Use Video Conferencing

Video conferencing is another great way to keep in touch with your remote team. It enables you to see and hear each other, which can build trust and rapport between team members.

It is an excellent way to meet up with deadlines and stay on top of projects. There are a few things to consider when using video conferencing: 

  • Make sure all team members have the same goal in mind. Before making the call, make sure everyone knows what the purpose is. It will help everyone focus on the topic.
  • Remember to keep it short and simple. Not everyone wants to be on a long call so keep it as simple as possible. This ensures that everyone can stay focused and engaged. 
  • Follow through with an email or chat afterward summarizing what was discussed over the call. It will ensure that everyone is on the same page and remains informed of what is going on. 

6. Create a Remote Work Policy

Creating a remote work policy is one of the most important tips for remote working. It is a document that sets out what working remotely requires and sets expectations for the employer and employee.

Once you have sorted out the details of your remote work policy, make sure to put it in writing and share it with your team members. 

Having a clear understanding of the expectations about remote working will help everyone stay on track, and help avoid any potential pitfalls. 

7. Ensure That Everyone Has the Same Tools 

When managing a remote team, it is essential to make sure everyone has the same tools and can access the same information. 

This way, everyone can stay on the same page, it is also a great way to have unified communication benefits.  

There are a few things you can do to make sure that your team members have the same tools: 

  • Make sure everyone has the same software. Without using the same software as a team, it can be hard to stay coordinated. Make sure every member is using the same provisioning software so that they can all see what’s going on. 
  • Make sure the same resources are available to every team member. This ensures that no one is left out and they can contribute effectively. It ensures unified communications. 
  • Use communication tools that all members can use. There are different available communication tools but not all work for every team member. Pick a communication tool that can be used by everyone so no one is left out. 

8. Ensure to Show Appreciation and Recognition

Every small acknowledgment goes a long way to make workers feel encouraged. It strengthens team members' morale, it brings the team together. 

After a big project, show appreciation and recognize people who did their best. These shows of appreciation can be a shout-out during video calls. It encourages other team members to put in more effort. 


Remote work does not mean there has to be a lost connection. Team leaders must work actively on bringing their teams together, remote employees need to also feel like a part of the team.

Keeping your team connected while remote working takes little effort. But doing so creates a united team that improves the quality of work no matter where they are signing in from. It is also essential to consider factors like the size of your team and company and what works best for everyone. 

Daniel Martin is a digital marketing professional with years of experience in the field. He has a proven track record in building high-performance teams that produce engaging content enjoyed by millions of users. Dani's unique combination of creative and innovative thinking has helped him solve complex challenges for clients in a wide range of industries. When he's not working, he enjoys photography and playing the carrom board.

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