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An In-Depth Guide on Node.js Development: Reasons to Consider

An In-Depth Guide on Node.js Development: Reasons to Consider

Jenny Gilbert551 10-Apr-2023

Origin of Node.js

Node.js: A Young Framework That Revolutionized Software Development - A Look at Its Origin, Benefits, and Popularity.

Node.js, a framework that has left an indelible mark on the software development industry, is just 12 years old. In comparison, JavaScript is 24 years old, and the internet itself is 32 years old. Despite its relative youth, Node.js has proven to be a powerful tool.

In 2009, Ryan Dahl wrote the first code for Node.js, which initially only worked on Mac OS X and Linux. What inspired him to develop Node.js? The V8 engine. The team behind the Chrome browser had created their own JavaScript engine, the V8 engine, which could directly convert raw code into machine code. This capability made JavaScript faster and more agile in web browsers.

Ryan saw an opportunity to use JavaScript for developing mobile applications, desktop applications, and servers. The business model of Netscape, where Node.js was created, included trading web servers. Netscape LiveWire, a program that allowed users to build dynamic pages using server-side JavaScript, was part of the package. Unfortunately, Netscape LiveWire failed, and server-side JavaScript didn't gain traction until Node.js came along.

Node.js was built in the right place at the right time, but its current popularity is due to more than just timing. It introduced new ideas and methodologies for server-side JavaScript development, and its engine, V8, improved greatly due to competition.

According to a 2022 survey by Stack Overflow, Node.js is the favorite technology of 47.12% of developers, making it the most popular framework among those surveyed. It's no surprise, as Node.js has become a reliable and powerful tool for building modern applications.

An In-Depth Guide on Node.js Development: Reasons to Consider

How Node.js Works?

Node.js, which started as a small idea, has grown into a widely popular open-source web framework with an MIT license, a large community, and numerous crucial add-ons. Despite the plethora of viable technologies available, the majority of the software development community has chosen to learn Node.js for web development.

If you're searching for skilled developers to build your next application using Node.js, consider hiring dedicated developers. To understand how Node.js works, let's consider a simple example.

Imagine that you visit McDonald's to order your favorite meal combo. You place your order, and it's delivered immediately. However, the McDonald's floor becomes crowded with a group that has arrived for a birthday celebration. As there is only one person managing the orders, things become chaotic. If you place another order, you have to wait until the other orders are delivered.

This issue could be easily resolved by hiring more staff to take and manage food orders, leading to more orders being served at once. Similarly, Node.js is an event-driven system, and the server comprises a single thread that processes one event after another. Think of every new thread as a new employee who manages the order, while browsers represent the hungry birthday party group who want to order food.


Node.js uses a dedicated thread for each new request, which allows the server to continue processing requests while waiting for a blocking IO operation to complete. Rather than waiting for the operation to finish, the server moves on to the next event and registers a callback function to process the IO action when it is completed. This approach eliminates the need for launching new threads or switching between them, resulting in minimal overhead.

This architecture is particularly useful for CPU-intensive applications because each new request is handled by a separate thread, which frees up the main thread to perform complex calculations more quickly. By distributing the workload across multiple threads, Node.js can process requests more efficiently and achieve better performance.

Event Loop

The event loop is a program that waits for events to occur and dispatches them when they do, and it's important to remember that both JavaScript and Node operate on a single thread. Think back to the McDonald's example: no matter how many people are waiting in line, only one employee is serving food in Node.

Unlike other programming languages, which create a new thread or process for each request, Node.js accepts all requests and delegates most of the work to other system workers. The 'Libuv' library, with the help of the OS kernel, handles this. When background workers complete their tasks, they send events that are registered with Node.js callbacks.


Callbacks are functions that are passed as parameters to other functions and are invoked when specific conditions are met. Node.js developers often create event handlers that are triggered by specific Node events. Although Node.js operates on a single thread, it is a highly efficient multithreaded system because most programs are not solely composed of time-consuming numeric, arithmetic, and logic tasks. Instead, they frequently write to the file system, send network requests, or communicate with external devices like a console or peripheral. In these instances, Node.js is excellent at delegating tasks to other threads and handling incoming requests intelligently.

Now let's get to the main part of the post.


When Should You Use Node.js Development?

The short answer is that if you want to create a real-time web application, Node.js is the perfect choice.
One of the most significant advantages of Node.js is that it can be used to develop a variety of business solutions, which can give you a competitive advantage.

Here are some examples of what you can use Node.js for:

Building Data Streaming Applications:

As digital content consumption continues to grow, data streaming web applications are in high demand. With Node.js's built-in stream module, developers can process large amounts of data into smaller packages and stream them sequentially, allowing users to watch their favorite movies or TV shows without downloading them, provided they have a good internet connection.

Developing Microservices:

Node.js's nature makes it simple for developers to create scalable solutions with less code. Multiple microservices can result in code duplication. To build microservices frameworks, developers often choose Node.js because it removes most of the underlying or essential system, making the development of a microservice more efficient and straightforward.

Node.js is ideal for various types of applications, including those related to real-time web development. It offers several benefits to developers that can help them create scalable and efficient solutions for businesses. Here are some specific examples of use cases where Node.js can be the best choice:

Developing Data Streaming Applications:

Node.js has a built-in stream module that can help developers process large data chunks into smaller packages and sequence them. This feature makes it ideal for creating data streaming applications that require a good internet bandwidth to deliver digital content in real-time.

Developing Microservices:

Node.js is a great choice for developing microservices frameworks, thanks to its simple design and scalability. Developers can easily create multiple microservices with less code, without worrying about code duplication. Node.js can extract most of the underlying or essential system, resulting in more efficient and straightforward microservice development.

Suitable For IoT Applications:

Node.js is widely used in IoT applications due to its compatibility with MQTT, a publish-subscribe-based messaging protocol. WebSockets are used for transport and encapsulation in this protocol. Node.js can effectively work with write and readable channels and streams, making it the most trusted platform for IoT app development.

An In-Depth Guide on Node.js Development: Reasons to Consider

Scalable Application Development:

Node.js is perfect for applications that require scalability and high-peak loads. Uber is a prime example of such an application, which was built using Node.js. It is an excellent solution for businesses that expect their applications to experience high demand peaks around the holidays.

Communicate With API:

Node.js has a large community that offers several libraries for developers to create REST or GraphQL APIs to interact with databases or external services. After introducing version 10.5.0, Node.js has been suitable for applications with a small number of CPU-intensive tasks, thanks to the availability of threads to carry out such complex processes.

Developing SPA:

Node.js can create single-page applications (SPAs) that look and feel like desktop programs, making it perfect for constructing social networking platforms, dynamic websites, and email solutions. Its flexible possibilities and asynchronous back-end data flow quality make it the best choice for SPA development.


Limitations of Node.js Development: When to Avoid it

Although Node.js development offers many advantages, it may not be the best choice for certain application requirements or processes. Here are some scenarios where developers or businesses should avoid using Node.js:

Processing CPU-intensive and complex applications: Due to Node.js' event-driven, non-blocking I/O architecture and single CPU, intense CPU processing can block incoming requests, causing the thread to get stuck.

Developing server-side web applications with relational databases: Node.js and express.js can be used to develop standard server-side web applications, but if these applications consume a lot of CPU power, Node.js' responsiveness will be impacted. Additionally, Node.js' Relational DB tool is still in beta, so it's best to use other environments for relational operations.

Developing simple CRUD applications: Although Node.js can be used for these applications, its performance and power are not fully utilized. Therefore, it is recommended to use other frameworks or environments for developing simple HTML applications instead of Node.js.

Consider Using NodeJS Development For Your Next Project

Since its inception 12 years ago, Node.js has become a popular choice for developing robust applications, with many top-rated Node.js development companies having gained expertise in the field.

Using Node.js can greatly enhance the performance and stability of your application in various scenarios. However, when considering why businesses opt for Node.js in web development, they need to take into account more than just technological factors.

Here are some reasons to consider using Node.js for your next project:

Faster time to market: Node.js is lightweight, making it useful for reducing the time-to-market cycle. It can significantly cut application development time without affecting existing functionality, allowing you to get from concept to end-product in a short time. Additionally, the cost for developing Node.js applications is also convenient.

Scalability: Node.js was designed with scalability in mind, which makes it a valuable feature for startups looking to scale over time. Startups can develop lightweight and quick systems with strong real-time response that can be scaled up later by adding more modules or structures to existing ones.

Works for both front-end and back-end: Node.js is a universal programming language that can be used for both front-end and back-end development. This makes it easier for clients to find a team of skilled full-stack developers.

Huge community: The Node.js community comprises many active enthusiasts and software developers from leading companies like Microsoft, SAP, and IBM, who regularly contribute to its development and growth. This community provides support and helps other developers.

Rich ecosystem: The Node package ecosystem, which includes NPM, is the world's largest and fastest-growing software registry, containing many libraries and reusable templates that developers can use to add more value with fewer resources and time. In this ecosystem, there is a module available for almost anything a software developer can think of, making it easier to build a website using various front-end frameworks like TezJS.

Using Node.js can save development costs and time, as it is capable of processing numerous requests at the same time with ease. According to statistics, Node.js can enhance application performance by up to 50% and save up to 58% on development costs.


To conclude, Node.js is undoubtedly the best among the several open-source runtime environments available. However, to utilize its benefits effectively, businesses must choose a top-rated Node.js development company with niche expertise in the technology.

My name is Jenny Gilbert and I am a technical writer with over 5 years of experience working at Amplework Software. I specialize in creating user-friendly documentation for software applications, websites, and other digital products. My writing style is clear and concise, making it easy for readers to understand complex topics.

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