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The Future of Space Exploration

The Future of Space Exploration

HARIDHA P137 01-Mar-2024

Most engineers and scientists think that this is an incredibly exciting and busy time to work in the space sector. Several new phenomena are occurring above the Earth's atmosphere. Tourists may already pay private firms for a brief journey into space, the private sector is constructing spaceships for NASA missions, and a robotic helicopter is now investigating Mars.

NASA and business companies have additionally set their eyes on the moon. NASA's Artemis application aims to place human beings on the moon in 2025 to start organizing a base camp. This lengthy-term human presence on the lunar surface will assist NASA put together for longer-period human area exploration missions, such as a crewed voyage to Mars.

The Future of Space Exploration

What does the future of space exploration hold? Currently, there are approximately 70 government space agencies. These include the American agency NASA and the European agency ESA. There are also other commercial firms, like SpaceX. All of these organizations have ambitions for the next big steps ahead in space exploration.

Back to the Moon

So far, the Moon is the furthest mankind has traveled from Earth. In 1972, the Apollo 17 team became the closest people to visit the Moon. NASA and the European Space Agency are developing the Artemis lunar mission. The maiden release of the Artemis rocket took place on November 16, 2022, with the cargo circling the Moon before returning to Earth. The expedition will land at the Moon in 2024, with the primary lady on board. SpaceX intends to launch a traveler flight across the Moon in 2023. 

Humans on Mars

Mars is the planet nearest to Earth. Many professionals trust it is going to be the following frontier for human exploration. It may additionally function as a stepping stone for similar investigation of different worlds. NASA desires to send the first human beings to Mars in 2030. SpaceX also plans to install crewed expeditions to Mars. Their objective is to set up a human colony on the Red Planet. 

Space Stations

NASA intends to release a new space station inside the late 2020s or 2030s. This will update the International Space Station, which was released in 1998. By then, people had already been living aboard China's Tiangong space station around the clock. More than one space station implies more experiments can be conducted in orbit. 


Reusable rockets reduce the cost of space travel. This makes space travel more accessible to visitors, while it remains prohibitively expensive. Robots will eventually replace humans on space voyages. Robots can do jobs and deal with more harsh situations than humans. Space exploration will be automated, which means rockets will fly without pilots!

Updated 01-Mar-2024
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