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War in space is no longer science fiction. How?

War in space is no longer science fiction. How?

HARIDHA P125 22-May-2024

For decades, space combat has been limited to science fiction, a future battleground for laser-welding spacecraft and extraterrestrial armies. However, current technological advancements and the increasing relevance of space-based assets are blurring the distinction between fantasy and reality. Here's a look at how space has become a potential new battlefield for combat.

War in space is no longer science fiction. How?

The Rise of Space Militarisation:

The narrative around space exploration has moved from peaceful cooperation to more strategic competition. Countries such as the United States, China, and Russia are actively developing and testing anti-satellite weapons capable of damaging an adversary's communication and navigation systems. Furthermore, the development of Space Forces and distinct military units focused on space operations represents an increasing recognition of the possibility of combat beyond our atmosphere.

Dependence on Space Infrastructure:

Our modern world is inextricably tied to space-related goods. GPS technology powers everything from navigation systems to banking transactions. Military activities rely on satellites for communication, information collection, and drone control. Disrupting or destroying these essential assets might jeopardize a country's communication infrastructure, banking institutions, and military capabilities, making space a significant vulnerability.

Ambiguity of Space Law:

The Outer Space Treaty, enacted in 1967, restricts the deployment of weapons of mass devastation into space. However, it is quiet on conventional weaponry and the establishment of military facilities on celestial planets such as the Moon and Mars. This uncertainty creates a legal gray area, which might allow governments to exploit loopholes and construct military colonies in space.

The resource race and geopolitical tensions

The prospect of resource exploitation on asteroids and the Moon has heightened global tensions. Asteroids contain large amounts of rich metals such as platinum and iridium, but the Moon may contain water ice that may be transformed into fuel. The drive to extract these resources might spark war, driving states to seek space dominion in order to control future economic prospects.

The Potential Impacts of Space War:

A full-scale space war might have disastrous effects. Debris from wrecked satellites might cause a domino effect, rendering low-Earth orbit inaccessible for decades. Global communication and navigation systems might fail, causing economic turbulence and societal devastation. 

The Way Forward: Preventing a Space Arms Race

The international community must act quickly to avoid a space weapons race.  Strengthening and strengthening current space accords to specifically prohibit space weapons and create clear parameters for military activity is critical. Open conversation and collaboration among states are required to secure peaceful exploration and utilization of space for the benefit of all humanity.

Civilian Initiatives and the Fight for Peaceful Space:

Civilian-led efforts can play an important role in fostering peace in space. The Secure World Foundation, for example, advocates for international transparency and conversation around space activity. The establishment of international standards for responsible space conduct, together with rigorous monitoring and verification procedures, has the potential to help avoid conflict before it occurs.

Updated 23-May-2024
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