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How can hackers crack weak passwords? How to prevent hacking?

How can hackers crack weak passwords? How to prevent hacking?

HARIDHA P39 25-Jun-2024

Passwords are crucial for the security of online accounts because they are the first layer of security against theft or misuse.  However, hackers have created various techniques to crack passwords since so many people use weak passwords.  This article will further walk you through how hackers crack weak passwords and how to prevent hacking.

Revealing the Hacker's Toolbox: Frequently Used Password Cracking Methods

Brute-Force Attacks: Just picture yourself attempting every possible set of characters, digits, and symbols until you finally figure out the right password.  This is how a brute-force assault operates. Hackers gradually break weak passwords with low complexity by using automated systems that methodically try millions of password combinations every second.

Dictionary Attacks: Instead of utilizing arbitrary combinations, hackers may employ a "dictionary attack."  These password guessing attacks employ lists of frequently used words, names, and phrases, coupled with variants such adding digits or symbols.  Your password is extremely susceptible if it is a dictionary term or a straightforward version of one.

Attacks using phishing schemes: Social engineering methods of this type aim to trick you into giving your password.  It's likely that you'll get a real text message or email asking you to click on a link and enter your login details on a fake website where your personal information is being stolen.

Social Engineering: Cybercriminals can use your social media to obtain personal data about you, such as your birthdate, pet's name, or preferred sports club.  They can then guess passwords using this information.

How to prevent hacking by creating strong passwords?

Length Matters: Longer passwords are more challenging to crack. There should be a minimum of 12 characters, ideally a combination of symbols, digits, and capital and lowercase letters.

Avoid Using Personal Information: Avoid using as part of your password any information that can be accessed easily online, such as your address, pet name, birthdate, or any other information.

Avoid using the same password across several accounts.  Make sure you use a unique password for each login to avoid the damage in the case your account is hijacked.

Password Managers: You should think about using a password manager, which is a secure application that generates and keeps strong, unique passwords for every account you have. This reduces the likelihood of using weak passwords and obtains rid of the necessity to remember several passwords.


Cybersecurity is a never-ending conflict.  You may significantly reduce your chance of being a target of hacking efforts by being informed of how hackers break passwords and using strong password practices in addition to other security measures.  Recall that keeping your digital identity and protecting your important online information just requires a small amount of effort.

Updated 25-Jun-2024
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