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Explain the SQL triggers and their uses

Explain the SQL triggers and their uses

Ashutosh Kumar Verma 120 08-Jul-2024

SQL Server Triggers

SQL triggers are procedural code that is automatically executed in response to certain events in a specific table or database view. These events can also be INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE operations, or specific data-modification conditions.


Create SQL Trigger

The SQL CREATE TRIGGER statement is used to create SQL Triggers and the ALTER TRIGGER is used to update the created SQL TRIGGERs


USE Database_Name

CREATE TRIGGER trg_Name ON [table_Name]/[view_Name]
-- SQL statement here


Uses of SQL Triggers

Enforcing Business Rules

  • Triggers can impose complex business rules and data integrity constraints that cannot be enforced using built-in constraints (such as foreign key and check constraints) provided by the database management system (DBMS).
  • For example, if certain conditions are not met, the trigger can inhibit an INSERT or UPDATE operation, ensuring data integrity.

Auditing and Logging Changes

  • Triggers are often used to track changes made to data in a database.
  • They can log information about who made the change, what data was changed, when the change occurred, and provide a history of changes for compliance or troubleshooting.

Automating repetitive tasks

  • Triggers can enable operations whenever a data change occurs.
  • For example, if an order is canceled, the trigger can automatically update the relevant tables or send notifications to the relevant parties.

Maintaining Derived Data

  • Triggers can automatically maintain derived data or summary information.
  • For example, when a new invoice is entered, the trigger can update the total amount due to the customer based on all unpaid invoices.

Complex Integrity Constraints

  • Triggers can impose complex integrity constraints with multiple tables or conditions.
  • This may include cross-table validation or ensuring that specific conditions are met before data manipulation is allowed.


Components of SQL Triggers

Trigger Event A specific event that fires a trigger, such as an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE.
Trigger Condition (Optional) A condition that must be true for the trigger to work.
Trigger Action The code or actions executed when the trigger fires. This can be an SQL statement or a call to a stored procedure.


Creating an SQL Triggers

Here is an SQL Trigger created that inserts that data automatically into UserHistory table when deleted from Users table,


USE MyCollegeDb

CREATE TRIGGER trg_UserHistory ON [Users]

-- SQL query for insert deleted data from Users table into UserHistory table
INSERT INTO UserHistory(UserID, UserName, UserContact, Email, DateOfBirth, UpdateDate)
SELECT UserID, UserName, UserContact, Email, DateOfBirth, GETDATE() FROM [deleted]


In the example above-

trg_UserHistory is the name of the Trigger.

AFTER DELETE means that this trigger will automatically fire when any record/data will deleted from Users table

SET NOCOUNT ON/OFF is used to ignore the counting of affecting rows in the table by SQL statements.

Note: you can aslo add multiple events in a trigger like- INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE


USE Database_Name

CREATE TRIGGER trg_Name ON [table_Name]
-- SQL statement here


Where to See the Created Triggers

To see the created above trigger in the SQL Server Management System(SSMS), follow the given steps,

Open and Login into SSMS -> Expant the Database folder from the Object Explorer in the left window -> Your Database Name folder (MyCollegeDb) -> Table name on which you created the trigger -> Expand the Triggers folder -> here your created trigger on this table will appear.


SQL triggers are powerful tools for enforcing rules, managing changes, automating operations, and maintaining data integrity in database systems. They provide a way to extend DBMS functionality to meet specific application requirements that are not easily met by standard SQL implementations alone


Also, Read: Define the PIVOT Table with examples in SQL server

Updated 08-Jul-2024
Hi! This is Ashutosh Kumar Verma. I am a software developer at MindStick Software Pvt Ltd since 2021. I have added some new and interesting features to the MindStick website like a story section, audio section, and merge profile feature on MindStick subdomains, etc. I love coding and I have good knowledge of SQL Database.

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