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10 Important Automated Tools For Database Maintanance

10 Important Automated Tools For Database Maintanance

Janaki S.70 13-Aug-2024

Software must be tested before being delivered to users to find gaps or missing requirements and errors with little human or no involvement.Automation testing is used to generate test script and executing them.Automation tools are free open source to run your test.Test automation comes in to automate the process without the involvement of human beings instead of being performed by robots.

10 Important Automated tools for Database Maintance:


ACCELQ is a powerful AI-powered codeless tool that enables multi-channel test automation across web, mobile, desktop, API, and backend. It facilitates continuous test automation and end-to-end business assurance through business process-focused automation integrated across the tech stack.

Key Features:

  • Fastest Test Automation Development with Lowest Maintenance: Achieve rapid test automation development and minimal maintenance efforts.
  • Web, API, Mobile, and Desktop Automated in the Same Flow: Seamlessly automate testing across multiple platforms in a unified workflow.
  • In-Sprint Automation to Align with DevOps and Agile: Integrate automation within sprints to support DevOps and Agile methodologies.
  • Enable Manual Testers to Automate Testing Without Programming: Empower manual testers to automate testing tasks without coding skills.
  • Visual Application Model for Business Process Validation: Validate business processes through a visual application model.
  • Self-Healing Autonomic Test Automation for Fast Release Changes: Adapt to rapid release changes with self-healing autonomic test automation.
  • AI-Based Automated Test Case Generation and Data Planning: Utilize AI to automatically generate test cases and plan test data.
  • Automate Web, API, Mobile, and Desktop in the Same Flow: Seamlessly automate testing across multiple platforms in a unified workflow.
  • In-Sprint Automation to cope with DevOps and Agile: Integrate automation within sprints to support DevOps and Agile methodologies.
  • AI-Based Test Case Generation and Data Planning: Use AI to generate test cases and automatically plan test data.


Selenium is a versatile automation framework that offers end-to-end test automation. It supports different programming languages and provides tools and libraries for various automation needs.

Key Features:

  • Selenium IDE: Integrated Development Environment for simple and reliable end-to-end tests.
  • Selenium WebDriver: Create robust, browser-based regression automation suites.
  • Scalability and Distribution: Scale and distribute scripts across multiple environments.
  • Bug Reproduction and Exploratory Testing: Create quick bug reproduction scripts and aid in automation-aided exploratory testing.
  • Selenium Grid: Scale automated tests by distributing and running them on multiple machines.


katalon is one of the software testing automation tools that offers a comprehensive solution for end-to-end testing of web and mobile applications. This tool provides a simple and intuitive interface for test automation.

Key Features:

  • Robust Object Repository: Create reusable elements for enhanced test maintenance.
  • Multi-Language Support: Katalon supports a wide range of scripting languages, including Groovy and JavaScript.
  • CI/CD Integration: Seamlessly integrate Katalon with popular CI/CD tools to incorporate automated tests into your development workflow.
  • Reporting and Analytics: Generate detailed test reports and track test execution results with built-in reporting and analytics capabilities.
  • Test Coverage: Achieve efficient and reliable test automation to ensure the quality of your applications.
  • Multi-Language Support: This tool supports many scripting languages, including Groovy and JavaScript.


Playwright is a reliable test automation framework specifically designed for modern web applications.It allows to automate tests across different languages using a single API

Key Features:

  • Native Mobile Emulation: Enable native mobile emulation for comprehensive mobile testing.
  • Advanced Auto-Wait Capabilities: Elements become actionable before performing tasks, reducing the likelihood of flaky tests.
  • Web-First Assertions: Tests are automatically retired unless necessary conditions are met.
  • End-to-End Traceability: Achieve end-to-end traceability across the testing lifecycle while enjoying full isolation and fast execution.
  • Cross-Language and Cross-Browser Support: Automate tests for any browser and platform.


Appium is an open-source test automation framework that simplifies native, hybrid, and mobile web app testing.It supports automation across iOS, Android, and Windows platforms without requiring an SDK or recompilation.

Key Features:

  • Cross-Platform Testing: Seamlessly run tests on iOS, Android, and Windows platforms.
  • Integration with CI Tools: Integrate Appium with modern CI tools to automate test triggering during release cycles.
  • Mobile App Automation: Mobile apps can be automated and written in any language using Appium.
  • Backend API and Database Access: Full access to backend APIs and databases for comprehensive testing.
  • Multiple Platform Testing: Run tests on various platforms simultaneously for efficient test execution.

6.Tricentis Tosca:

Tricentis Tosca assists organizations in accelerating their software delivery processes.This tool supports a wide range of database technologies and browsers. With a click button, Tosca can run the reused tests on browsers such as Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome.

Key Features:

  • Model-Based Testing: Create resilient and maintainable test cases using a model-based approach.
  • AI-Powered Test Case Design: Leverage an AI-powered engine for intelligent test case design and efficient execution.
  • Distributed Test Execution: Run parallel tests across multiple environments, browsers, and devices for faster results.
  • CI/CD Integration: Seamlessly integrate Tricentis Tosca with popular CI/CD tools for continuous testing and integration.
  • Reporting: An enhanced web-based reporting solution helps teams get rapid, actionable insights into their testing progress before release.


Cypress is a testing tool designed for applications that run in a browser. It provides end-to-end testing without dependencies, code changes, or additional downloads.

  • Developer-Friendly Environment: Cypress offers a developer-friendly environment for seamless test automation.
  • Debugging Capabilities: Cypress supports debugging tests using parallelization and load balancing.
  • Real-Time Test Execution: Execute real-time tests as you build cutting-edge web applications.
  • Simple Test Setup: Set up and run automation tests with Cypress’s intuitive design.
    Insights: With this tool, insights can be gathered through its intuitive dashboard, videos and screenshots.


Parasoft is one of the automated testing tools that performs functional and unit testing. It helps organizations ensure their applications' reliability, performance, and security. 

Key Features:

  • Powerful Static Code Analysis: Analyze code for defects, security vulnerabilities, and compliance issues.
  • Test Data Management: Efficiently manage test data for accurate and comprehensive testing.
  • Test Environment Provisioning: Simplify the setup and configuration of test environments.
  • Integration with Development Environments: Seamlessly integrate with popular development environments for streamlined testing processes.
  • Reporting: Generate detailed reports and gain insights into testing efforts for final decision-making.


Cucumber is a popular open-source test automation tool that promotes behavior-driven development (BDD) by allowing teams to collaborate. It supports various programming languages, making it accessible to developers.

Key Features:

  • Human-Readable Test Specifications: Write executable specifications using plain language for clear communication.
  • Cross-Functional Collaboration: Ensure shared understanding of the application’s behavior among all stakeholders.
  • Continuous Testing and Integration: Enable continuous testing and integration with CI/CD tools for faster feedback cycles.
  • Multi-Language Support: This tool supports Java, Ruby, and JavaScript programming languages.
  • Integration with Testing Frameworks: Seamlessly integrate with other testing frameworks for streamlined test automation.

10.Test NG:

TestNG is a testing framework that offers advanced capabilities and flexibility for automating tests in Java-based applications.It provides extensive annotations, assertions, and configuration options to create robust and maintainable test suites.

Key Features:

  • Parallel Test Execution: Run tests in parallel across multiple threads for faster execution.
  • Test Grouping and Dependency Management: Easily manage complex test scenarios with powerful grouping and dependency features.
  • Integration with Build Tools: Seamlessly integrate TestNG with popular build tools for streamlined test automation
  • Comprehensive Reporting and Logging: Track test execution results and troubleshoot failures effectively with detailed reporting and logging capabilities.
  • Java Application Testing: Achieve efficient test automation and ensure the quality of your Java applications.


These are the above automtion tools are indispensable for software product companies. They accelerate the testing process, enhance software quality, improve efficiency, and reduce human errors. Adopting these tools is crucial for teams aiming to deliver superior software quickly and efficiently .

I graduated with a B.E. I worked as a computer science programming faculty for an HSS class in a school for two years. After that, I completed 8 months of technical certified courses in Java and software testing at Accord infomatrix Chennai. I recently completed 3 months online digital marketing internship at Roku Digital Hyderabad. I want to improve my skills in these fields. I am motivated to learn and grow in this role. Currently, I am looking for a job in this field.

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