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What Is Multiple Linear Regression In Machine Learning? Why You Should Know?

What Is Multiple Linear Regression In Machine Learning? Why You Should Know?

Shivani Singh101 28-Aug-2024

Multiple linear regression (MLR) is one of the most basic methodologies of machinelearning whereby one tries to estimate the relationship between the dependent variable and two or more independent variables. Knowing the process of MLR is valuable for all people who deal with data since it helps them make a better prediction and comprehend the patterns of data. 

What Is Multiple Linear Regression In Machine Learning? Why You Should Know?

What is Multiple Linear Regression as a Statistical Tool in Research? 

Multiple linear regression is developed from the simple linear regression model whereby you can predict a dependent variable with two or more independent variables. It comes in handy when working with different data sets especially when numerous variables affect the results. 

For instance, in the case of housing price prediction variables such as size, location, number of bedrooms and age are some of the relevant data needed. This is where MLR proves beneficial in an attempt to quantify the influence of each of these factors bearing in mind the influence of the other factors. 

Linear multiple regression analysis is used as a method of understanding the relationship between many independent variables and dependent variables, and thus you should be familiar with it for the following reasons. 

1. Foundation of Machine Learning Algorithms: Several algorithms including the logistic regression and some neural networks models fall under the category of models derived from the MLR family. First, knowing the MLR allows you to have the groundwork as it helps you to understand other related algorithms. 

2. Data-Driven Decision Making: MLR helps businesses gather important information to make crucial decisions. For example, a firm may apply this model to forecast the sales that will be made due to advertisement expenditure in various media platforms

3. Understanding Data Relationships: through the use of MLR, one can be able to determine the direction of the relationship between various variables. This remains very important for feature selection and engineering as one can identify how much each of the independent variables is contributing to the result based on the coefficients of the regression model. 

4. Handling Multicollinearity: In real-world applications, independent variables are somewhat related to each other, this is called multicollinearity. It might be of this, and with the use of the MLR models, it is possible to note and meet this to meet its parameter of accuracy and reliability.

What Is Multiple Linear Regression In Machine Learning? Why You Should Know?

Practical Applications 

  • Finance: It is employed often in financial forecasting, for instance in the determination of stock prices or other rates of inflation, interest, or GDP, among others through several predictors like rate of interest, market indices as well as economic data. 
  • Marketing: MLR is used by marketers to determine the effectiveness of the channel of communication intended for marketing on the sales so that they can set the right strategies. 
  • Healthcare: In the healthcare sector, there is the use of MLR models in the determination of a patient’s prognosis given various factors like age, medical history, and others. 


This tutorial is appropriate and important for anyone involved in data analysis or machine learning, especially learners who need to know about MLR. Not only is it the base for even higher-level techniques, but it also offers crucial information on the nature of the interactions within your data. In any sort of marketing campaign, budgeting for the future, or analyzing science data, for those of us who embrace analytics as part of the work process, MLR is a Great weapon to have in your belt.

Being a professional college student, I am Shivani Singh, student of JUET to improve my competencies . A strong interest of me is content writing , for which I participate in classes as well as other activities outside the classroom. I have been able to engage in several tasks, essays, assignments and cases that have helped me in honing my analytical and reasoning skills. From clubs, organizations or teams, I have improved my ability to work in teams, exhibit leadership.

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