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What Are The ACID Properties In Database Transactions?

What Are The ACID Properties In Database Transactions?

Shivani Singh42 30-Sep-2024

Most of the time, whilst handling databases, specifically in transactions, it's essential to preserve the consistency, availability, and integrity of the database in addition to the gadget. This is where ACID houses are available; atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability will be available in. These principles define how the transaction is carried out so that the database is always recoverable in case of a system crash or other transactions running at the same time.

1. What is meant by a database transaction?

In databases, a transaction is a set of actions executed in a single and contiguous sequence operation. Such operations could be in the form of read-and-write operations that could point to data. To keep the system consistent, a transaction must possess certain characteristics that facilitate its practical implementation and do not threaten the integrity of the stored information. That is made possible by the ACID properties.

To get more information on how transactions operate with the database systems, read this article on transaction management.

What Are The ACID Properties In Database Transactions?

2. ACID Properties Breakdown

The ACID properties briefly introduced in the context of relational databases guarantee a reliable execution of a transaction. Let’s explore each property:


Atomicity ensures if a transaction can take place, then it is being processed as a singular and cohesive entity. It is mandatory that either the complete operation of all the activities of the transaction be executed or none are executed altogether. In the event of an error halfway through a transaction, the net change to the database is rolled back, and the state remains as it is. This is usually called the “all-or-nothing” principle. For example, in the banking application, if you are transferring money from one account to the other, atomicity guarantees that both the debit and the credit operations are carried out or none at all is made.


Consistency guarantees that the database is only in a correct state before and after the execution of a transaction. Every transaction must alter the database from one good state to the other, from the point of view of all the constraints, like constraints and triggers. For instance, a transaction in a database that involves changing account balances in a bank needs to uphold the principle that the sum across accounts is zero.


It eliminates the possibility of influence from other transactions, which may distort its results. Regardless of the number of ongoing transactions, these transactions should neither be influenced by nor intrude on others. There should be no sight of the intermediate state of a transaction to other concurrent transactions while the transaction is not yet complete. It excludes problems like, for instance, dirty reads, non-repeatable reads, and phantom reads by enabling the efficient control of concurrency of transactions.

What Are The ACID Properties In Database Transactions?


Durability ensures that once a transaction has been committed, all its effects will remain permanent in case of a system failure. This guarantees that each result of a transaction is stored and cannot be reversed in the event of a hardware or software breakdown. Many of the modifications made to the database will have to be committed to other storage systems, like disk storage, in case of a temporary failure.

For more details on durability or to learn about how this criterion is used to maintain data dependability, you can use this source.

3. Why are ACID properties important?

The ACID properties are essential as far as the administration of the database is concerned. In their absence, databases would remain vulnerable to different sorts of inconsistencies that are most likely to occur in organizations with large transaction volumes or instances of system failure. Here are some reasons why they are vital:

  • Data Integrity: Responsible for ensuring that all operations committed achieve database correctness.
  • Fault Tolerance: This assists in giving the ability to stop or prevent recurring systematic failures by making sure that committed changes occur.
  • Concurrency Control: Controls the way multiple transactions are possible without data contradictions.
  • System Reliability: Prevents loss of data after a transaction has only been partially committed on the database or if the transaction fails.
What Are The ACID Properties In Database Transactions?

4. ACID Property in Software Development

Just think of an online shop—this is an instrument that, according to the frequency of the purchases, is commonly in use. Every purchase procedure consists of several stages by which the item is added to the cart, payment is made, and inventory is updated. If any of these steps are missing, then the secondary activities should at least be rolled back to ensure that there are no screw-ups, such as users having been charged but never delivered the product. This scenario perfectly illustrates the atomicity and durability measures.

Likewise, in a banking system environment where many users are making transfers at the same time, isolation is a necessity to avoid one user's operations affecting the operations of another.


In the database-keeping transaction, there are four operations known as ACID properties, namely atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability. Whether it is a noteworthy banking application or a plain e-commerce site, it becomes imperative that such properties are met so that the system is free from variability and fault and is consistent. With enhanced databases and an increasing volume of data, it will remain compulsory to be conversant with and apply these principles by the database developers and administrators.

Being a professional college student, I am Shivani Singh, student of JUET to improve my competencies . A strong interest of me is content writing , for which I participate in classes as well as other activities outside the classroom. I have been able to engage in several tasks, essays, assignments and cases that have helped me in honing my analytical and reasoning skills. From clubs, organizations or teams, I have improved my ability to work in teams, exhibit leadership.

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