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How To Resolve Merge Conflicts In Git And Keep Your Repository Clean

How To Resolve Merge Conflicts In Git And Keep Your Repository Clean

Shivani Singh 475 07-Nov-2024

Git conflicts are most frequently experienced when many developers are working on one project; this is called ‘Merge conflict’. Threats: There is always potential for conflicts when multiple people are involved, especially if many developers contribute to a single repository; it is necessary to handle them correctly to keep the repository clean and to foster teamwork. Here we will take a look at the common practices on how to manage merge conflicts in your Git repository.

Understanding merger conflicts

Merge conflict arises when Git is faced with changes of two branches and cannot combine them on its own. For example, consider the case where two branches enacted various changes on the same line, or if two branches acted in proximity, the system will detect conflict. Solving such conflicts helps maintain code integrity and also reduces the chances of making mistakes each time merged with other branches.

Merge Conflicts is the situation where multiple users make changes to one single data point that conflict with the baseline. Merge Conflicts is a process that frequently creates problems when numerous users work on changes to a single piece of data in a project.

Some of the typical causes of merge conflicts include:

  • Simultaneous Edits on the Same Line: What do you do when two branches decide to change the same line?
  • File Deletion and Modification: When one branch deletes a file ordinarily when the other branch carries out a change on it, there is conflict.
  • Reordering of Code: This is less common but can happen if moves of code blocks from one branch to another or peers rearranged differently.
  • Tip: Avoid conflicts often by regular syncing of the two copies.

Having frequent Git pulls for the branches lowers the chance of big merge conflicts since changes are constantly incorporated.

How To Resolve Merge Conflicts In Git And Keep Your Repository Clean

A Conflict Management Procedure

1. Identify conflicted files

In a conflict, Git offers a list of files that have conflicts. These files can be seen using git status. Seeing conflicted files means you understand clearly which of them Git failed to merge automatically.

2. Using Vault, Collaborate, Open Conflicted Files, and Review Changes

Git records conflicts in the file; it generally uses such as <<<< HEAD and >>>> to demarcate them in the file. Consider the differences carefully in order to make the correct decision about which of the codes should be adopted. Resolving conflicts is about deciding whether to:

  • Most modifications with the current branch should be maintained.
  • That changes made at the other branch should be kept.
  • Both sets of changes should be done jointly if at all possible.

3. Manual Editing and Conflict Resolution

The conflicting lines will be edited by maintaining the correct version or even by manually merging them. After you reach an agreement with all the changes, then save it to begin with the resolution.

4. Stage the resolved files

After settling each conflict, use git add <file>, which stages a file for the next commit. It will inform Git that the file is conflict-free and ready to be integrated.

5. Commit the merger.

Once all the conflicts are resolved and staged, the commit finalizes the merge. Use git commit to commit the merge resolution.

Sanitization of a repository

Once you are done with conflict resolution, it is good practice that your Git repository should be well organized to avoid future conflicts. Here’s how:

1. Regular Branch Merging

The integration of feature branches into the main branch or other branch is often done frequently, and the conflicts are thereby avoided. The regular merge requires fewer differences and conflicts and results in fewer scales and the reduction of such conflicts.

2. For specific commits, it is recommended to come up with descriptive commit messages.

Descriptive commit messages are advantageous when a team of developers is coding collaboratively. A well-established git history timeline also helps in easy identification of conflict sources.

3. Delete merged branches

Having old branches that have already been merged makes the repository awkward. It is recommended to clean merged branches frequently in order to minimize confusion and the size of the repository. This practice also helps maintain tidiness in the most important branch buildings.

4. Rebase for linear history can be safely used, but with a number of precautions.

From the author’s point of view, specifying the usage of git rebase instead of merge maintains commit history before all the other merged branches. Rebasing essentially synchronized changes from the master branch to the feature branch by altering the commit history. This method is useful but should be used sparingly, and most often when intending to rewrite history other people have created, it is to be done before pushing code into shared branches.

5. Using a shared coding format throughout the whole team.

If formatting rules are followed uniformly, then there are relatively fewer conflicts present in the codebase. These style-based conflicts are minimized by the use of a code editor and a set of coding standards defined for use in the project.

How To Resolve Merge Conflicts In Git And Keep Your Repository Clean

Introduction to New Technologies in Negotiation

Conflict Resolution Tools

Other conflict solving tools that Git links merge with are graphical interfaces that support visualization. Other interfaces like GitKraken, SourceTree, and the new mergetool view in VS Code arrange the conflicts on one side and the related code on the other.

Automating Conflict Checks

If a team uses CI/CD tools such as Jenkins or GitHub Actions, the conflict is predetermined and the system alerts the team. Pre-testing and merge checks help to find conflicts before they get to the main branch and save time for the actual manual work.

Leverage .gitattributes

Setting up git attributes for binary files sets git to ignore differences. This can be helpful in cases where Git cannot merge certain file types, such as images. Teams can minimize false conflict alerts on binary files by making a suitable merge strategy in.gitattributes.


Handling merge conflicts in Git is something any developer wants to know when working on a collaborative project. Now that you know which of these common causes may make it a challenge, how best to resolve conflicts, and keep the repository clean, it can streamline your Git workflow and keep everything tidy and minimal even when it comes to merge-related issues.

Being a professional college student, I am Shivani Singh, student of JUET to improve my competencies . A strong interest of me is content writing , for which I participate in classes as well as other activities outside the classroom. I have been able to engage in several tasks, essays, assignments and cases that have helped me in honing my analytical and reasoning skills. From clubs, organizations or teams, I have improved my ability to work in teams, exhibit leadership.

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